I love to share my Knowledge so please join me for an evening of “Inspiration & Insight” into the world of DREAMS SUPERNATURAL SPIRIT in 2025.
Educate On The Great Law of Peace – YouTube Channel – Link Above
We are spiritual beings having a “human experience”
I am a mother and a proud kokum – grandmother. I have lived a very diverse life straddling two world’s one as a healer/medicine keeper and the other as an international natural health activist and Ogichidaa Kwe for the people.
I am a bi cultural Métis with mixed blood – Scottish, English, Irish, Nehiyo & Anishnabe. I walk in the old traditional ways of my Kokum’s. I received my Nehiyo spiritual name by a traditional name giver which is “Osawuskiskwew” which means brown bear woman. I was born in “Manitou Api” known to the First Peoples as “That Place That Creator Sits”. In ceremony I received my Clan which is the “Golden Eagle Clan”
I am a visionary, spirit talker, storyteller, singer/drummer, sweat lodge keeper, and Sundancer. I have been a certified wholistic nutritionist, herbalist, practitioner of alternative & traditional indigenous medicine, and family/community counselor for over 25 years.
I began my consulting business over 22 years ago called, “Walking in Balance” I have spoken on a wide variety of subjects such as nutrition, health, indigenous spirituality and attended many ceremonies here on Turtle Island, France, Scotland and recently Mongolia.
I am now a member of the International Tenger Shaman Association in Mongolia.
I republished my first book in 2023 called, “She Who Wears Moccasins & Carries a Big Stick” and my second book (manuscript) called, “The Big Stick” I hope to have published in the near future.
My Motto – Always Question, Think for Yourself & Follow Your Own Truth!
Book Overview
My father calls and tells me I have a name for you – “She Who Wears Moccasins and Carries a Big Stick” to which I reply what does that mean and he replies – “the moccasins represents your traditional spiritual walk and the big stick is symbolized by your political health activism walk”.
He could not be closer to the truth as my life is a journey of two very different yet connected parts of my life path the last thirty years. The stories you read may be hard to believe but they are all true and my thoughts and opinions are solely mine. My father always taught me the power of “original thought”. You may not agree with my conclusions but I pray my words encourage curiosity, the seeking of questions and the bravery to step outside the box so many find themselves inside today.
I will take you on a spiritual journey that reveals the unspoken unseen world of spirit where inanimate objects are brought to life where the voiceless are given a voice. We all have no choice now but to become the fearless warriors for our next seven generations they are depending on us.

Why I do What I do
I am here to fulfill my purpose to serve the people. I have chosen to be here, and it’s taken this lifetime to prepare and is why I chose to call my services for the people – “Walking In Balance”
In the year 2000 I began saying – “Its Time for the Women and Grandmothers to Stand Up”
Before my late elder Wolverine passed, he shared “the women must do their ceremonies once again as they are connected to Mother Earth and have a strong intuition”. The men must listen to them.”
That was seven years ago that time is here NOW.
We require healthy men with no ego, who are led from the heart and are spiritually strong as they are who give the women their strength.
We must work together now female and male and remember it is nature (mineral, elemental, plant and animal) that teaches us that balance.
I was shown “Peace” in my first vision at nineteen years old
But before we can have Peace we must have “Justice”
The scales of justice are unbalanced and must be balanced once again.
Candace – brown bear woman
– Warrior Training (Ogichidaa Kwe) – Strengthen Your MInd & Spirit
– Empowering Healthy Women Workshop (4 Parts of the Wheel)
– Public Speaking (variety of topics)
I found it highly fascinating and deeply moving on a personal basis.
After listening to your talk, I suddenly found focus to what, I suppose, was already inside me subconsciously. It brought me to life and made me feel closer to the things that I had already felt, up until then without thinking about it. The things that you said inspired me, shone light onto, and brought me much nearer to, the feelings that had always been there but which you brought out to the surface in me to a more conscious and aware level. So, yes, one of the words that you could use to describe it, was inspiration.
Akos Nicols-English Interpreter
“Sharing your life experience with as a grand-mother and how you integrate it in your everyday life has been for me very rich and has shown me how one can be present to spiritual matters and be very well present to our everyday matters.
It seems now that this sharing has anchored this part of my being ( spiritual ) in my every life, in a more specific way”
For me it was so true and so simple at the same time
Your talk touched me in the way you said everybody has experiences, and so it’s that we must handle, and to walk with, and to adopt, and love not somewhere far but we have to be rich, in a creative attitude, and it taught me a lot.
For me to hear you was like a confidence, in what we all perceive in life, but sometimes, we don’t feel strong enough to go deeply through.
It was the first time, for me, this kind of meeting with a shaman