How To Beat And Exit The Matrix

By RJ Spina



The Matrix. This vast system of control and suffering is literally everywhere, isn’t it? Even hidden in plain sight, as they say. It’s on the tip of our collective tongue and the forefront of our mind. We live, breathe and experience it 24/7. It’s so pervasive that it seems utterly inescapable and destined to destroy us… or will it?

Let’s play the game and see…

It is our consciousness, our sentience, that gives birth to the backdrop of what we mistakenly perceive as existing outside of us; the dreamland where the Game of Good vs Evil is played. Designed by our Creator in order for IT, through the creation of us, to more fully understand itself while continuing on the never ending journey of experiencing, learning and evolving.

The rules and laws of physics regarding this holographic, outside dreamworld, as we currently understand them, were meant to be broken. And to do that, we must address what insulates and covers the dreamworld in order to see the players and the playing field clearly. That insulation and cover is The Matrix.

 …So, just what is it, exactly?

The Matrix is the scripted delusion we think is reality. It utilizes the temporary construct of the ego to entice us with all things related to the five senses and forces us live in servitude and fear, seemingly cut off and separate from one another and our Creator. It scares, seduces and feeds the ego and in turn the ego will do anything to perpetuate it’s existence. It (the ego) identifies itself with the cravings and attachments to all things physical and creates Karma. Karma is the tool used by the ego to keep us locked into the game and coming back for more, endlessly repeating the cycle of birth and death.

Yet, we all know this and agree to forget who and what we are in order for this experience to seem REAL. There is no other way.

So who put the overlay, The Matrix, on top of this beautiful dreamland? Other players in the game. This is a multi-dimensional game played by many entities, not just humans. We, like every other sentient creature are energy beings and get to incarnate into different physical vehicles to experience and play in The Matrix.

But something is happening. We are Waking Up to the game and comprehending our reality for what it really is; a temporary theater of experience where we utilize our free will in order to experience, learn and evolve and change the Game within The Matrix. And it really is just a game. A great one at that but just a game nonetheless. Complete with the good guys and bad, obstacles to overcome, knowledge to be gained and experiences to be had. Ultimately, we become masters of this dreamworld and move on to the next theater of experience.

Science has proven that energy exists in both a particle and wave form, simultaneously. The particle form is the non-permanent or physical manifestation, the temporary illusion. The wave form is the eternal, pure potential and non-illusion. And energy, whether particle or wave, can never be lost or gained. It can only change form.

And why is this important? Because knowledge is the key that unlocks all doors including the ones that lead to the defeat and exit of the Matrix.

The Keys:

Know that we are the wave experiencing the particle aspect as a human as part of the temporary physical illusion; what we really are is immortal and limitLESS.

Know that the rules of The Matrix were meant to be broken and manipulated by freeing your mind and heart from beliefs, attachments and constraints. When accomplished, the construct of the Matrix reveals itself instantly for what it is; a control system facilitated through false belief systems.

Know that fear and loss is a trick, a temporary illusion fed by the ego.

Permanent death and loss is a cosmic joke. An absolute impossibility.

Live YOUR life in joy and compassion. If we all do this, the world will reflect joy and compassion back to us. There is no other possibility.

Appreciate every moment for what it really is..a celebration of existence itself. A moment of pure CREATION for us to create our own world.

When we go inside ourselves and touch the Absolute Truth that All Is One and live our lives that way, we beat and exit The Matrix…for good.

Now, let’s play.


RJ Spina


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