Imagination’s Playland!

With Lorenzo & Cambell

Episode eight of the Oddyssey of Truth



We are all made of imagination. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, moment by moment, we are the creators of our lives. Perhaps then, the key to a happy life is to see if you are creating yours with an imagination built on love, integrity, abundance and health.

If not, it is likely you are using an imagination given to you by others. A ‘set of rules’ to live by that are, perhaps, not ones you would consciously choose for yourself.

In other words, are your perceived day-to-day possibilities a part of who you are naturally, or were they ‘shoved’ into you since birth? Are you playing through life or working? Is your life being traded for money, ie ‘coupons’, or are you creating a life your heart and soul would choose to live in? By answering these simple questions you could be on your way, in my opinion, to your own Happy Destiny.

Is it Unavailable or Unavoidable, the choice is up to all of us.

‘’Fools fear to tread where hero’s Walk Free. I am all I’ll ever need.  Inspiring All of Me’’

Cheers Lorenzo




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