Natural Law (Part 3): Moving Beyond Enslavement

(Note: if you haven’t read them already, I highly recommend reading the previous articles Natural Law (Part 1): A Reformed Satanist Illuminates Our Natural Power To Create and Natural Law (Part 2): Spending Our Spiritual Currency Wisely as an essential context for this discussion.)
So far, our discussion has revolved around the capacity of human beings to create, in adherence with the principles that govern Natural Law. This capacity, when taken in the aggregate, makes us collectively responsible for the world that has been made manifest today. And looking at the world today, it is pretty safe to say that we have been party to our own enslavement, and on a collective level we still continue to sit idly by while our rights and freedoms are increasingly taken away.
This, perhaps above anything, is the reason that Mark Passio did his Natural Law seminar, to alert us to the fact that we have the power to create the world of freedom and harmony that we all say we want, but we still seem to lack the knowledge and the will to do it. By offering the knowledge behind it, Mark hopes that a proper understanding begins to proliferate among us and our will to change our world is sufficiently stoked.
The capacity to change things in our world requires adequate knowledge. We must learn how this process works, and then incorporate this knowledge in how we function internally (i.e. ‘Change starts within’). It is only when we first come to grips with the nature of our personal sovereignty that we are then capable of creating a world in which we are free.
We Are All Sovereign
Passio notes that Natural Law is expressed in human beings in either positive or negative ways. To express it positively, in other words, to create the experience for ourselves that we want, we need to be motivated by Love, grounded in Knowledge, and feel that we have Sovereignty. However, Natural Law is expressed negatively, and hence creates what we don’t want, when the generative emotion is Fear, our foundation is Ignorance, and our internal sense of self is Confusion.
Most people in our current world don’t consider themselves to be sovereign. In fact, in a survey Passio quotes, he said that only 11% of people questioned thought they were sovereign. Hence Passio makes his next point as emphatically as he can:
Why I say every single person here is a sovereign is because there is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and never will be any such thing as legitimacy to slavery. That has never existed, does not exist now, and never will exist. Slavery is an illegitimate concept. None of us are slaves.
The condition of slavery has been imposed upon people, but it has never in history been legitimate. And it never will in history be legitimate. So there is no legitimacy to the concept of slavery, of the rightful rulership of another being, through directly imposing your control through coercion. Doesn’t exist. That’s a big part of what Natural Law is about.
The reason this point is so important is that most of us have been brainwashed since we were young to believe that we need authority in our lives. Most of us still believe that we need a government to rule us by coercion. Many of us fear that otherwise we would be living in a state of–peril of all perils–anarchy!
But a state of ‘anarchy’, according to Passio, is exactly what sovereign beings should be striving for, because anarchy simply means, no ruler to which we have to bow down to, no master for whom we are the slaves. From its etymology, a state of anarchy does not mean chaos, confusion, or disorder. It simply means there’s nobody around to tell us what to do, that we are all able to act freely and without coercion–that we are individually sovereign.
However, this condition does not come about just by knowing we are sovereign by nature. Individuals of a given group or society have to fully embody the qualities of a sovereign individual in order for a society to be able to function in a state of anarchy, or even bring about the removal of all rulership in the first place. For Passio, our work is the development of personal integrity, in which all aspects of our being are in harmony with one another.
The Alignment of Thoughts, Emotions, And Actions
The way Passio terms it, our path to true sovereignty is by becoming our own ‘monarchs.’
A Sovereign is a Monarch (mon-: “one”; archon: “ruler”), a single ruler who only rules ‘the Kingdom of Self’; Sovereignty is a state in which one controls one’s own thoughts, emotions, and actions, and by bringing them into Unity/Non-Contradiction/Non-Duality, attains Mastery of one’s own Consciousness.
Bringing one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions into a state of unity–where have we heard this before? Of course, this corresponds to the Law of Attraction, our capacity to bring into being our desired manifestations based on our intentions–the power to create the world we want, essentially.
And so, it turns out, the way we get freed from slavery is not through violent revolution, as some would say our history books have taught us. Remember, our history book are written by our masters, and they are more than happy that we feel that we are free while they implement ever more insidious and subtle forms of slavery. It is well-known by our authority, and something we will discuss in subsequent articles, that slaves who do not know they are slaves are much more productive, and much less force and coercion is required for their obedience.
And that is why our personal internal work is paramount. The more we have self-rule as individuals, the more we can overcome the dictates of illegitimate authority as a collective. We can literally walk away from it, remove any power it has over us. As Passio notes, ‘If you have internal monarchy, you can have external anarchy.’
Our emancipation from slavery thus awaits the process by which individuals in our society develop self-responsibility, self-control, self-mastery. We will continue this series by discussing some of the people whose current lives are harbingers of personal sovereignty in adherence to Natural Law.
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