by 4Freedom | Mar 8, 2023 | The New Agora
The Politics of Obedience by Ian Davis sourced from Ian Davis newsletter I thought I’d share a 500 year old text from French Judge and writer Etienne de La Boetie with you today. Before you wander off, thinking this is all completely...
by The New Agora | Mar 7, 2023 | Open Forum The Right to Be Let Alone: When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business By John & Nisha Whitehead “Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are...
by The New Agora | Mar 3, 2023 | The New Agora
What Exactly Is Autism? Why Have The Rates Increased Rapidly to 1 in 44 Children? by Arjun Walia When I ask “what exactly is autism?” I do so because autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is exactly that, an extremely wide spectrum....
by NewNow | Mar 2, 2023 | The Hub, Utopia Cornucopia
The foundation is love and connection by Mofwoofoo I was a young hippy in San Francisco in the sixties. I was using LSD to gain spiritual insights. I was reading about Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, the Kabbalah, I Am That (talks of Nisergadatta...
by The New Agora | Mar 2, 2023 | Elva Thompson, The New Agora The Third Eye by Elva Thompson The Chakra System Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or disc Human beings have seven chakras or energy centres in the body. The spinning wheels of pranic energy are located at different...