Question Everything by Jeff Thomas

Question Everything by Jeff Thomas

Question Everything by Jeff Thomas   The average person in the First World receives more information than he would if he lived in a Second or Third World country. In many countries of the world, the very idea of twenty-four hour television news coverage would be...
Mind control in the Yoga Room

Mind control in the Yoga Room

Aria Persei Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance Mind control in the Yoga Room; Bikram, Hot Yoga, Forrest, Lujong and Kundalini Yoga: an invitation to return to the body while choosing our instructor with discernment    By Aria Persei...
Methods of Deception

Methods of Deception   Methods of Deception Some paths are more circuitous and painful than others. Knowing what to watch for can save you lots of unnecessary trouble. This comes down to matching enthusiasm with discernment and seeking out the wisdom needed to navigate a...
Inside Out  By  IAM SAUMS

Inside Out By IAM SAUMS

Inside Out MARCH 18, 2022 / IAM SAUMS     “Self-righteousness is the epitome of being wrong.”   Against the Current Over the last few years, we have been inundated with personal opinions and mainstream media agendas, narratives,...