The Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy

The Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy

  The Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy It’s a Short Leap From Smoke Signals to Brain Chips by Joe Allen, Singularity Weekly May 4, 2022   Grimes – “Shinigami Eyes” (2022)   Techno-optimists like to say humans are already cyborgs awaiting their next...
Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda     Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda (Part 4) APRIL 6, 2022 POSTED BY: IAIN   Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine has been presented to us, in the West, as unprovoked and unjustified. We have not been told...


THE MONSTROUS TRUTH   By The Acorn March, 2022       It is hard to fully grasp the sheer monstrosity of the system under which we live. Most people simply cannot imagine that anyone could deliberately inflict untold misery and death on others,...