by The New Agora | Apr 3, 2023 | The New Agora
The Miracle of Water: The Yin & the Yang By ALICK BARTHOLOMEW We all have the experience of rejuvenation and joy on a vibrant spring day when the sap is rising in the plants and the tree buds are bursting with new life. Water is at the very...
by NewNow | Apr 3, 2023 | Open Forum by Vernon Howard Escape from Inner Isolation “Don’t you sense, deep down inside, that just maybe, now come on, just maybe up to this point in your life you have missed something. Look around at your friends, look...
by NewNow | Apr 1, 2023 | Open Forum The Shadow is the Doorway to the Light Paradoxically, the shadow is simultaneously the obstacle to our light as well as the doorway to it. It is a profoundly important step in our individuation process—something we’ve all...
by The New Agora | Apr 1, 2023 | Gary Z McGee, The New Agora Overcoming God: From Man to Overman and Beyond “Time makes ancient good uncouth.” ~James Russell Lowell Ancient values have become obsolete. They are rotten fruit, slick and hazardous at our feet. We should...
by The New Agora | Mar 31, 2023 | The New Agora A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria By John & Nisha Whitehead “This country has been having a nationwide nervous breakdown since 9/11. A nation of people suddenly broke,...