How we transform darkness into light

How we transform darkness into light

How we transform darkness into light     Bohdanna’s story of renewal | How our bodies regenerate at night using UV-C     The Power Couple by Roman Shapoval   Power ON with light Power OFF at night Learn how to combat 5G & addictive...
Digging out after the Rapture

Digging out after the Rapture

Digging out after the Rapture     ”From the rapture to solar eclipses, better grab that shovel and dig deep for the truth. I would say, don’t trust any but self and recall the best of all ways is to be Autodidactic!”      ...
Everything is a Battlefield

Everything is a Battlefield

Everything is a Battlefield     By Gary Z. McGee     “Elevate yourself above the battlefield.” ~Robert Greene.   Life is a battle. It’s a battle against bewitchment. It’s a battle against sloth. It’s a battle against the pollution of the mind,...