Back To The Present

Back To The Present

  Back To The Present     by Peter Russell     Presence is an important part of living a well life, and is an essential part of navigating our current chaos and emerging the creativity needed move through it.     The...
Dreaming OUR Destiny

Dreaming OUR Destiny

  Dreaming OUR Destiny   with Perceiver (Joel Schafer) and The New NOW (Lorenzo)     Beyond the moment and moving towards our future, as we may wish it to be, what is destiny and how can we assure that ours is a “Happy One”?   A...

JUNG & THE PSYCHE   JUNG & THE PSYCHE         by Michael Tsarion     Our dreams recover what the world forgets – James Hillman   There can be no doubt that the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung was one of the...
DEEP PEAKS by Michael Tsarion

DEEP PEAKS by Michael Tsarion DEEP PEAKS         …man can no longer be seen as a being whose basic concern is to satisfy drives and gratify instincts or, for that matter, to reconcile id, ego and superego; nor can the human reality be understood merely...