by 4Freedom | Feb 15, 2023 | The New Agora PROPAGANDA: ‘Covidian-Safetyism’, Covidianism Inverts The Heroic Archetype By Haley Kynefin Source – “…Humans to do something else no other animal does: to consciously devalue our...
by The New Agora | Feb 15, 2023 | Gary Z McGee, The New Agora 7 Qualities of Unconquerable Character “Character is destiny.” ~Heraclitus Character is forged in the crucible of adversity. Struggle is mere kindling. Those with great character have the courage to bask. 1.) Brutal...
by NewNow | Feb 5, 2023 | Open Forum
The Hitman by robert cinque Is there a distance between an object that you perceive and your awareness of it? Is there a distance between an image and the screen? Is the space in which an apple appears different from the space in which the...
by The New Agora | Feb 3, 2023 | Gary Z McGee, The New Agora How to Enter the Realm of Love and Stay There “When one has once fully entered the realm of love, the world — no matter how imperfect — becomes rich and beautiful, it consists solely of opportunities for love.” What...
by 4Freedom | Feb 1, 2023 | Open Forum
The Infinitely Spectacular Nature of Reality and Our Tragically Limited Ideas About it by Robert Cinque Who are you or me to plaster our caveman concepts and beliefs onto the Sacred Beauty of Life? I have nothing against...