by The New Agora | Jul 14, 2022 | The New Agora
Aria Persei Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance Our adaptive and survival reactions when facing trauma and dealing with complex post traumatic repeated and constant stress disorders ; welcome to the inverse By Aria Persei ...
by The New Agora | Jun 30, 2022 | The New Agora
Aria Persei Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance Mind control in the Yoga Room; Bikram, Hot Yoga, Forrest, Lujong and Kundalini Yoga: an invitation to return to the body while choosing our instructor with discernment By Aria Persei...
by The New Agora | May 30, 2022 | The New Agora
Aria Persei Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance The engineering of our lives in a reality under the jurisdiction of mind, social and behavioral control It is known by us that hospitals are a cover-up for collecting our...
by The New Agora | May 23, 2022 | The New Agora
Aria Persei Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance Dealing with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder in a reality where we are constantly being put back into our programming Here in the inverse, a lot is being done for the...