Propaganda in our Digital Era

Propaganda in our Digital Era

Propaganda in our Digital Era   By Susan Ferguson   “Propaganda, the Formation of Man’s Attitudes” is the brilliant work of the French philosopher Jacques Ellul. Written in 1965, Ellul offers us disturbing and painful insight into the...
The Actual State of the Nation

The Actual State of the Nation

The Actual State of the Nation       The Speech no President Would Ever Deliver   By A Lily Bit     With each passing day, the chains of tyranny tighten their grip, while the flames of freedom are mercilessly extinguished. The very...
The Occult Nikola Tesla Part 1

The Occult Nikola Tesla Part 1

The Occult Nikola Tesla Part 1       Newton, Rosicrucianism and the Imperial Control of Science       Was Nikola Tesla a great genius, ahead of his time as a modern prophet or ‘electrical wizard’ as some have called him, or is there...
Heavens & Hells are Illusions Mind-Created in Time

Heavens & Hells are Illusions Mind-Created in Time

Heavens & Hells are Illusions   Mind-Created in Time      By Susan Ferguson   Heavens and hells are nothing more than temporal ILLUSIONS in the astral planes, created by the mind of man throughout the Four Cycles of Time. Just as the worlds...