Ancestors Guiding My Way

Ancestors Guiding My Way

Ancestors Guiding My Way     By Candace Hill     ”I believe very strongly many of us have been preparing for this time in history our whole lives.”   My late elder Wolverine used to always say, “You have to be ready there is...
Watching it All Burn Down

Watching it All Burn Down

  Watching it All Burn Down       And Even the Classics Must Fall       Those of us who fondly remember the time before men wore women’s swimsuits often find ourselves dazed and speechless in the dystopian landscape of 2024. Our...
1984 vs Brave New World – How Freedom Dies

1984 vs Brave New World – How Freedom Dies 1984 vs Brave New World     – How Freedom Dies     The following is a transcript of this video.   “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” George Orwell, 1984   George...
Original Thought in 2024

Original Thought in 2024

    Original Thought in 2024     by Candace Hill   I grew up very naïve as most of us do no fault of our own that was until my life was literally turned upside down at the age of nineteen.   I experienced what was understood as a...
Spontaneous Recovery

Spontaneous Recovery Spontaneous Recovery –   The Body’s Power to Heal   from Cancer and Chronic Disease         The following is a transcript of this video.   “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” Hippocrates...