by The New Agora | Aug 28, 2021 | Featured Wetiko in a Nutshell: Who Do You Think You Are? By Paul Levy More and more people are hearing about the Native American idea of the wetiko mind-virus. Wetiko—called by many different names throughout history—is at...
by The New Agora | Aug 21, 2021 | Featured
We Are All Being Cooked in the Soup Together By Paul Levy One of the recurring thought-forms that I hear repeated everywhere during these apocalyptic times is, “We are all in this together.” It is ironic that “we are all...
by The New Agora | Aug 5, 2021 | Shifting Realities, SuperConscious Realities
Developing Jung’s “Imagination for Evil” is the Doorway to Our Light By Paul Levy We live in a time of the emergence of great darkness in our world. The great doctor of the soul C. G. Jung, who came up with...
by The New Agora | Jul 24, 2021 | Featured
IT’S NO TIME TO BE NORMAL By Paul Levy These times of the new normal are not normal times at all. Psychoanalyst Joyce McDougall coined the term normopathy to connote an excessive—and pathological—attachment and adaptation to...