Normal Unfreedoms by Kingsley L. Dennis

Normal Unfreedoms by Kingsley L. Dennis

Normal Unfreedoms   ‘Fear is the deadliest assassin; it does not kill, but it keeps you from living.’ Popular Saying The Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains thirty articles. Nine of those articles directly state the word ‘freedom.’ We therefore expect...
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part III

Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part III

Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part III     This essay gets personal. My intention is to show the great value of moving from labels for ourselves and each other to living from the essence that we all share. I want my experience to be a window that you can look...
The Solstice Shift

The Solstice Shift

The Solstice Shift     “Transcendence is ascension into universality.”   Advent of a New Era   Twelve years ago, a universal energetic shift began during the four days of the Winter Solstice, empowering us into a new era of being.  As human...