by NewNow | Aug 10, 2023 | Open Forum
The All Important Distinction by robert cinque Are you the objects of your Awareness or Awareness Itself? Do any of your self concepts match Who and What you are? Are you a concept or a Presence? Are you a body/mind/self in a...
by NewNow | Jun 7, 2023 | Open Forum
Make Humanity Great Again by Robert Cinque Since ancient times, we humans have been passionately curious about who and what we are on the most fundamental level. The religions say we’re a soul in a body, the psychologists say we’re a mind...
by NewNow | Mar 30, 2023 | Open Forum
Reality Is Not A Social Construct by Robert Cinque All mental and social constructs, all thoughts, beliefs, ideas, identities, ideologies, and narratives are ego based projections onto Reality. The overflowing, infinitely generous...
by NewNow | Mar 14, 2023 | Open Forum
The Body Is The Garden Of Eden by Robert Cinque The Body is the Garden of Eden The Kingdom of Heaven is located in the Heart The Heart is the Throne of the Mother. Her King is the Mind, the Father, Her Husband, Servant...
by NewNow | Mar 9, 2023 | Open Forum
The Accomplice by Robert Cinque We are Accomplices in the crimes committed against us. It’s painful to admit, but we as a species participate in and enable our own enslavement, suffering and misery. Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit and a Eugenicist. He...