by NewNow | Mar 5, 2023 | Open Forum
From Mild to Wild by robert cinque When a seed germinates in water and soil, its future destiny as a tree gestates in the womb of Mother God. When an ego germinates in light and love, its future destiny as the Word made flesh gestates in the Heart...
by 4Freedom | Feb 19, 2023 | Open Forum
The Precious Beauty and Sacredness of Life by robert cinque We are the Presence of Infinite Consciousness, that which is called God. Our ability to say “I am” proves it. Just because we add our personal...
by NewNow | Feb 5, 2023 | Open Forum
The Hitman by robert cinque Is there a distance between an object that you perceive and your awareness of it? Is there a distance between an image and the screen? Is the space in which an apple appears different from the space in which the...
by 4Freedom | Feb 1, 2023 | Open Forum
The Infinitely Spectacular Nature of Reality and Our Tragically Limited Ideas About it by Robert Cinque Who are you or me to plaster our caveman concepts and beliefs onto the Sacred Beauty of Life? I have nothing against...
by NewNow | Jan 22, 2023 | Open Forum
The Certainty of Awareness by Robert Cinque You and I are both aware in this very moment and we don’t need confirmation from gurus or scientists to know it. When I ask myself Am I aware?, I go to my experience of awareness and answer, Yes. ...