The Third Eye by Elva Thompson

The Third Eye by Elva Thompson The Third Eye by Elva Thompson   The Chakra System   Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or disc   Human beings have seven chakras or energy centres in the body. The spinning wheels of pranic energy are located at different...
Such is our time

Such is our time Such is our time   ‘You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour. Now you must go back and tell people that THIS is THE hour!’ Hopi Nation (2000)   Viewing the matrix   The world is a scary place, right now. It...
Two-Spirited People by Elva Thompson

Two-Spirited People by Elva Thompson Two-Spirited People by Elva Thompson   The world’s gone mad   In the last few years sexual preference and gender orientation have become a hot topic. We are being told all kinds of extraordinary things. Who can fuck who, who can and...