In the Name of God

In the Name of God

In the Name of God     “God is a concept, by which we measure our pain.”   In the Beginning   We profess to know the origins of humanity from ancient civilizations based on history and science.  Yet, we fail to understand beyond academia.  The...
Digging out after the Rapture

Digging out after the Rapture

Digging out after the Rapture     ”From the rapture to solar eclipses, better grab that shovel and dig deep for the truth. I would say, don’t trust any but self and recall the best of all ways is to be Autodidactic!”      ...
Everything is a Battlefield

Everything is a Battlefield

Everything is a Battlefield     By Gary Z. McGee     “Elevate yourself above the battlefield.” ~Robert Greene.   Life is a battle. It’s a battle against bewitchment. It’s a battle against sloth. It’s a battle against the pollution of the mind,...
The Actual State of the Nation

The Actual State of the Nation

The Actual State of the Nation       The Speech no President Would Ever Deliver   By A Lily Bit     With each passing day, the chains of tyranny tighten their grip, while the flames of freedom are mercilessly extinguished. The very...