How to Conquer Death

How to Conquer Death   How to Conquer Death   By Gary Z. McGee     “Those who cling to life die, and those who defy death live.” ~Kenshin The only way to conquer death is to live a life so healthy, courageous, and humorous that the gods...
God’s Gangster

God’s Gangster     God’s Gangster       By Gary Z. McGee     “If the fool would persist in his folly, he would become wise.” ~William Blake     God’s gangster is the fool who persisted in his folly. It is...
On bringing a child into the world

On bringing a child into the world

On bringing a child into the world:   Earth knows what she is doing     by Charles Eisenstein    This is a recording and partial transcript of an impromptu dialog (mostly me talking though). It was in response to the common reluctance of young...
Redefining God

Redefining God   Redefining God     by Gary Z. McGee     “We are all Mothers of God, for God is always needing to be reborn.” ~Meister Eckhart   The concept of God is a thorny subject at best and a slippery slope at...
Shadow of the Shaman

Shadow of the Shaman Shadow of the Shaman     by Gary Z. McGee     “It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one’s steps to the upper air — there’s the rub,...