How to Overcome the Archons

How to Overcome the Archons

The Freedom Articles   How to Overcome the Archons     (Psychic Predators) – Part 1 – Video   By Makia Freeman       How can we overcome the psychic predators that have overtaken humanity’s mind – the Archons, Djinn, Demons,...
The Sickness of Modern Man

The Sickness of Modern Man Are We Enslaved to One Side of the Brain?   – The Sickness of Modern Man       The following is a transcript of this video.   “It seems to me that we face very grave crises indeed and that, if we are to survive, we need not...
Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed

Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed

Scientific Progress   Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed         Weaponization of injectables   Vaccines have been weaponized. They may include:   1940s: neurotoxins like aluminum, mercury, MSG. 1960s: carcinogenic SV40 monkey virus,...