The Abolition of Mental Sovereignty
By Lindsey Scharmyn
Analog, concentric, electric, wisdom
Your mind, the thoughts that emanate from it, the space inside your head – it is yours. If nowhere else in this existence, that is where you are sovereign. No one has ever been able to force someone to think or believe a certain way. Indoctrinators throughout history have tried and they have failed to create a perfect system of mind control, luckily for us. But, how much longer can our mental sovereignty remain intact?
We live in a world saturated with media – both social and traditional. If we’re not subjecting ourselves to one, we are subjecting ourselves to the other. A time existed when you could trust many media outlets, but now the term “mainstream media” exists for a reason: the majority of media outlets in our nation fall under the control of, depending on how you count it, 6 companies. That’s it. And if you dig a little deeper, you cold argue that only a few individuals control ALL of that.
Simple logic dictates this state of affairs fails to promote a healthy noosphere. You can parse it any way you want, but this system cannot possibly dole out any true variety in viewpoints. We know there are talking points, we know there are limits on what “journalists” are allowed to investigate and what they aren’t, and we know that the CIA plants people in every major outlet in order to control the narratives spun on your daily news, no matter where you get it. We could write books about just this level of the control structure which aims to construct a narrative for your mind.
If controlling the narrative fails, we blame one of three things: the long time favorite, CIA-coined conspiracy theorists or either of our two, brand new inventions — Fake News and Russian Bots. Russian Bots are blamed for any indication that the citizenry might not be falling in line with the official take. Just look at this simple search result spread:
From promoting conspiracy theories to influencing the election to sowing social upheaval, these Russian Bots seem more effective than owning, say, every single media outlet in an entire nation. But, I guess that’s none of my business.
When the narrative fails, the conspiracy theories are taking hold, and even the threat of scary old Russia controlling your mind isn’t enough to stop people from talking, what else can you do? You can label it “Fake News” and get every purchase-able social media magnate to censor material or, at the very least, temper it with the mainstream, government approved, corporatocratic-friendly conclusions. Facebook is happy to censor material, so is YouTube. YouTube’s most recent series of purges have even come to be known as a #ModernDayBookBurning because of how very transparently all deleted channels and content seemed to go against official narratives, in one way or another.
But let’s pump the brakes: at least we have places like Reddit, where people have traditionally come together to compile information and create communities of interest around whatever subjects are desired – like a modern day Socratic orgy. There is some mental space carved out for us, a haven a of sorts. Right?
Not when you recall that even Reddit is compromised.
Maybe there is nowhere safe or sacred left on the interwebs… (unless you want to check out Voat, and you should )
All of this is as well documented as the rulers’ desire to control the minds of the masses. Aside from the more generally acceptable use of Psyops against our enemies, throughout history, there are also projects like MK-Ultra, MK-Often, and MK-Artichoke, just to name a few. Don’t kid yourself, just because they say they stopped fucking with our minds and really super duper promised that they did, that doesn’t mean they’re not torturing some poor fools somewhere in order to unlock that last frontier of freedom we really have: our minds.
Those devices covering their ears and eyes are not blindfolds and ear plugs, that would be too nice. Those devices are much darker and more twisted. Think Men Who Stare at Goats. Think constant bombardment of whatever sickening sounds and horrifying sights they’ve decided will best wear you down, break you, or build you back up again into whatever crumpled vision of you they have in mind.
And its the building you back up part that is truly frightening. Who could you become, if they could make you into someone you are not now? It seems the possibilities might be endless. I don’t personally want to find out what they want me to be. Ever. I am not even sure, when looking into the history of reeducation, what it is that controllers have tried to create out of broken people, in the past.
China is most famous for their use of reeducation camps in revolutionary times, but they continue to use them now. I had even seen a National Geographic article in a physical copy of a magazine of theirs, years ago, that showed adolescents in a row of chairs at a “reeducation” center. They had some gadget on their heads that were clearly audio-visual immersive, somewhat similar to those seen at Guantanamo Bay above. The caption merely stated that these adolescents were being “reeducated” — like that wasn’t a darkly looming prospect! The technology involved was neither discussed nor mentioned, just made for a nice photo op, I guess. It’s not just a Chinese trend, though! Fear not, there are plans for reeducation in America!
Or, if you’re super savvy and love the Party, you can start reeducating yourself right now. Don’t actually check this out unless you want to unintentionally make yourself into the next Manchurian Candidate, but there is a self-hypnosis app promoted by Samsung so that you can erase your memory of your favorite shows in order to watch them again with maximum enjoyment.
Sure, just wantonly erase your memory using an online, possibly untested, random company’s app. No worries. Except the worry that “hypnosis can have real effect” and that they want you to grant them indemnity. Trust them, they’re a soulless corporation and would never do you wrong.
The world is so wacky, I can hardly handle it. We’re already dumbing ourselves down and literally hypnotizing ourselves every time we watch TV, allowing our brain waves to be put into a state of wakeful sleeping, allowing our minds to be the most malleable they can be without further efforts or technologies. They probably don’t even need to threaten the woke individuals with the horrifying lobotomies of the past or the threat of electro-convulsion “therapy” to cure their aberrant behaviors or thoughts, because now they can just plop them in front of a TV or strap a Guantanamo device to their skulls.
I promise, I’m not even covering the actual tech out there like voice to skull transmission and electro-magnetic pulse effects. It’s nutty. The hole isn’t even a rabbit hole, it’s a well documented pit of despair.
But just keep drinking your flouridated water, it’s totally safe and not at all a well documented neurotoxin without any shown benefit to you. Mmmm. Tap water.
Orwell tried to warn us, he had an uncanny prescience, that dude. He described the ruler’s desire to control your mind well before it was an easily definable trend. In a terrible scene of torture, the main character of his magnum opus 1984, Winston was
…in a cell that might have been dark or light, because he could see nothing but a pair of eyes. Near at hand some kind of instrument was ticking slowly and regularly. The eyes grew larger and more luminous. Suddenly he floated out of his seat, dived into the eyes, and was swallowed up.
But, even Orwell acknowledges that “they” can’t ever truly know what’s in your mind. Not really. Only you can know. And you can lie! So there’s always some level of sanctity, security, privacy that can’t be controlled. You have your mental sovereignty no matter what – right? Even if they think they’ve poisoned and beat and repeated and hypnotized enough, you could possibly harbor a safe space in that secretive space between your ears. Right?
Not if they can read minds. Orwell seems to indicate this possibility, but never explains how Winston perceived that
…the worst fear of all was that his backbone was about to snap…
and then O’Brien perceived, as well, that it was so:
“You are afraid,” said O’Brien, watching his face, “that in another moment, something is going to break. Your especial fear is that it will be your backbone.
How did his torturers know? Maybe it was something like the device that can turn your dreams into images that other people can see. Accurately. It actually does that. Mind reading is now a technology we have. There are probably much more advanced mechanisms for this than we even know.
For some reason, your thoughts matter greatly. They matter so much that the entirety of possible sovereignty in which your mind could romp is sought to be controlled by forces and systems other than you, constantly and consistently.
Back in 1984, the torturer explains everything to Winston, the grand philosophy of mind control:
Shall I tell you why we brought you here? To cure you! To make you sane! Will you understand, Winston, that no one whom we bring to this place ever leaves our hands uncured? We are not interested in those stupid crimes you have committed. The Party is not interested in the covert act: the thought is all we care about. We do not merely destroy our enemies, we change them.
If they can’t create you to begin with, if you don’t automatically fall into place with all their efforts at mental imprisonment, then they will find a way to change you. Orwell describes, through Winston’s perceptions that
[t]he ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering–a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons–a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting…
That totally doesn’t sound like our world. Not at all. Nothing to see here. Move along…
This is what we know for sure: your inner world is sacred and the privacy and sovereignty of that realm is paramount. As Orwell reminds us:
Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull.
Hold on to it, friends. Hold onto it and don’t let go.
Lindsey Scharmyn is a lifelong educator and healer as well as a wanderer between worlds. As a Board Certified master teacher, she eventually saw the system as irredeemable, and now works to create new systems for education, sharing, learning, spiritual growth and renewal. With decades in tarot reading, Lindsey also now serves clients with Guidance Sessions to connect with source messaging. Lindsey creates and shares orgone art and pendants, has authored fictional novels and poetry as channeled art, and cannot wait to connect with you through her show and podcast, Rogue Ways. Email: || Visit:
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Awesome article! If I hadn’t faith in a greater purpose in this world, this would be a truly horrifying time to be alive. Beautifully written work.
Lyndsay…I have to read this again…in peace and solitude…it is wonderful and Loving…thank you so much…
I’ll be back…..
This is how I would describe the true meaning of anarchy . It’s not some dumfk taunting cops.
Spot on and beautifully written