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Instagram: @yurtdesigns
Through this site I will share my art, architecture, adventures and dreams. I specialize in custom wooden yurt house design ( and hold a Professional Degree in Architecture. A lifetime of carpentry experience lends my creative work substance and pragmatism.
As a father of three teenage boys, my time is divided between home office, house projects and family. As a free spirit, my inner world is overflowing with thoughts and yearnings I hope to share with kindred souls.
To this end, Beyond Dream.Design.Build. will be dedicated to curating my creations, both professional and personal, as well as my explorations—whether in the realm of Old World architecture, alternative history and physics, ayahuasca or urban homesteading. I will post essays, videos and podcasts on a semi-regular basis, so please check back from time to time. And, if you come across something that resonates, I would love to hear from you.

Scrapwood backyard chicken coop

Interior of my newly completed tiny house – Shoreline, WA