The Power of Ideas And Why

They Don’t Want You to Have Them



Why don’t we ever have time to think?

In one of the recent articles I crossposted, we explored the concept that psychedelics do not induce mere hallucinations but instead open the mind to receive information from other worlds and other realities.

This revelation challenges the rigid materialist worldview that has been constructed over the past century—a worldview filled with fallacies, propaganda, and half-truths that dictate how we perceive reality.

I have written about this deception multiple times, even in my book. How industrialists, governments, and the ruling class have crafted a synthetic version of the world, one rooted in false narratives such as the polio myth, SIDS, globe model, and many, many more.

They have embedded a perspective of scientism, a religious devotion to materialist science that strips away the mystical and the spiritual, leaving us trapped in a purely physical existence.

Because of this programming, we fail to see what was once common knowledge: our reality is not just material but also spiritual. And just as psychedelics open the mind to other realms, we must recognize that we receive ideas in the same way.

Ideas are not random. They are insights from beyond, messages waiting to be deciphered and brought to life.

Ideas As Entities

We think of ideas as mere thoughts, flickering moments of inspiration that enter our minds at random. But this shallow perception of ideas is a byproduct of our indoctrination.

If we step back and examine the origins of the word idea, we find something far deeper:

  • One definition of an idea is an entity (such as a thought, concept, sensation, or image) actually or potentially present to consciousness.
  • The word idea itself comes from the Greek idéā, meaning “archetype”—a concept of a thing in the mind of God.
  • Other interpretations refer to ideas as immaterial patterns, imperfect copies, or acts of thinking.

In other words, ideas are not just thoughts—they are entities. They are archetypes. They are spiritual constructs making themselves known to us.

Jung and Nietzsche understood this well. Both thinkers spoke of ideas as beings — angels or daemons— not in a sense of good or evil but as entities with their own essence, pressing themselves upon the minds of men.

This concept was once common knowledge. But today?

Today, ideas have been reduced to trivial notions. We no longer see them as a form of divine communication.

They don’t want you to see the power of ideas. They don’t want you to understand their true nature. And they certainly don’t want you to reclaim them.

But what happens when you break free?

Why They Don’t Want Us to Have Ideas

If ideas hold this kind of power —if they are insights from beyond— then it makes sense why those in control do everything in their power to prevent us from receiving them.

They have trained society to ignore the power of ideas, ensuring that people never pause long enough to receive them.

Think about it:

  • Why do we have no time to think?
  • Why is our attention constantly under siege?
  • Why do we feel drained and distracted, unable to sit in silence?

It is not an accident. This scenario is by design.

First, they trap us in endless cycles of labor—forcing us to work multiple jobs to survive. Then, in our free time, society bombards us with distractions, ensuring that we are constantly consuming and never reflecting.

Whether social media, entertainment, or news cycles, society floods your mind with noise, leaving no space for higher thought.

Why? Because ideas are dangerous.

If people were allowed to cultivate and act upon powerful ideas, the current system of order would crumble.

This reality is spiritual warfare at its most insidious level. The ruling class does not need to attack us physically. They just keep us busy, entertained, and disconnected from the realm of ideas.

Reclaiming the Space for Ideas

If we are to change the current tide, we must create space for ideas.

Ideas do not arrive in chaos. They do not emerge in overstimulation.

Ideas are born out of silence, reflection, and boredom—in moments where the mind is not cluttered by external input but receptive to the internal world. This space is when insights from other realms come through.

And yet, even when we do receive them, we must understand something important:

Ideas, in their pure form, are not perfect.

“Ideas are perfectly imperfect archetypes of the imposed. They appear perfect, but they are imperfect as there are missing pieces. The imposed piece is how they impose upon our reality.” — A thought I had while working on this article.

They are archetypes but arrive incomplete, requiring refinement as they move from the spiritual into the physical.

  • They are beautiful in thought but often imperfect in execution.
  • They do not always turn out as expected when translated into action.
  • And that is okay. Because the process of working on, refining, and sharing them is how they are made whole.

Ideas are not meant to remain in your mind. They are given to us to shape reality. By acting on them, by manifesting them in this physical realm, we participate in something sacred: the transformation of the world.

Ideas Change the World. But Only If We Act

This understanding is why ideas are important. This reality is why they matter. And this is why they have done everything possible to suppress their power.

But the truth remains:

  • Ideas come from higher realms.
  • They are messages, insights, and revelations waiting to be received.
  • They are here to improve our reality—if we act upon them.

So, let’s make space for ideas again. Let’s step away from distractions, carve out time for reflection, and listen.

And most importantly, let’s act.

Ideas alone don’t change the world; ideas + actions do.

With the current trends occurring in our society, I grow ever more confident that we can make it happen.

As always, thank you for the time and the attention in reading this article. This piece was an esoteric piece, the kind that I want to dive more into.

If you’re new here, check out my esoteric wisdom section to read more.

As always, have an amazing day. Ashe,

Franklin O’Kanu






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