The Tapestry of God’s Timing



By Deanne Kaye



So often when nothing seems to be changing in my world, I’ve heard it said, “Don’t worry.  It’s all in divine order.  It will happen in God’s Time if it’s meant to be.”  These are hard concepts to find solace in when we are in a place of physical pain, anxiousness and mental anguish.  When I look back on my life, I can see things unfolding in some grand order, and there seems to be some sense to it.  Yet I also know that in the midst of this waiting period, it can be agonizing at times.  Many people I’ve met talk about the importance of praising, enjoying and sharing words of encouragement while in this place of waiting.  When we totally believe and hear enough of the goodness of God, we come to trust and rest in the tapestry of God’s Timing despite the trials and tribulations that also come.


In the area of healing, Christians tell me that God wants to heal us, and this is possible through the grace and authority given to us through Jesus Christ.  This was news to me the first time I heard it!  In my years of being with an Indian master, we would occasionally hear about the same miraculous healings here and there that had occurred in the past.  But healings here in Redding, CA have been off the charts to me.  Legs have grown out, cancer has dissolved, broken bones quickly mended, asthma disappeared, bi-polar symptoms balanced, disabilities cured, and migraines relieved.  All permanently!  There are also several people in history known as God’s Generals such as Kathryn Kuhlman, Smith Wigglesworth and Aimee Semple McPherson who traveled the world healing thousands from all kinds of ailments.


There’s no doubt much to celebrate when such amazing healings happen.  It puts us in awe and wonder about the mystery of miracles.  In contrast, however, let’s also acknowledge those who haven’t been healed and have struggled with faith around whether they would have the breakthrough of complete health.   One woman I recently met named Alissa suffered with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome for over 22 years.  EDS has several debilitating consequences, along with primarily having bone joints slip out of alignment due to weakened collagen in body tissue.  How painful!  Alissa wore braces to secure various parts of her body from falling out of their sockets, even on her fingers.  She had countless bottles of medication and 20 surgeries to minimize pain and hopefully improve her condition.  But they didn’t.  Alissa experienced cycles of no faith, hopelessness and depression, yet she continued to go doctors, churches and healing rooms waiting for a miracle to happen.  This was all part of her grueling routine of existence.  One day, while she again was in her church in Seattle for the evening service, there was a woman named Lisa sitting nearby who had been healed of the same disease 3 years earlier.  Lisa saw Alissa and told the woman next to her, “This woman is going to see her healing today!”  Alissa was experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit filling her body more completely compared to times before.  She dragged herself over to the minister for prayer and hands on healing as had been the routine.  This time, however, things were shifting.  She felt an ease of mobility come into her body, and she could raise her arms above her head without pain or them coming out of their sockets.  Alissa felt confident enough to start taking off all her braces and move like she hadn’t in years.  The miraculous healing happened and more joyed filled up the room as she ran around in exhilaration.  What a glorious sight to see!


Why had the miracle happened then?  Did she pray more that day?  Had she fasted?  Read her bible more?  Was it about the minister, his position in the church or his connection to God?  Alissa told me it was nothing she had done more or less of that day.  It was about the miraculous web of God’s creation.  God had showed her a vision of a divinely woven web that we move through.  It involves an orchestration of people we are to meet, places we are to go and things we are to do.  Alissa’s heavy burden of physical pain for years finally culminated into a breakthrough of joy filling her, the people in the room, and the face of the minister instrumental in her healing.  Since her healing, her opportunities in life have expanded where she’s gone to Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and has traveled to other places with this minister to help in healing others!  All being important situations in the tapestry of her life.



Another story showing the synchronicities of God’s Divine Tapestry of Timing came out in a documentary film called The Godman.  In the documentary, the director shares about a dream he had one night with a set of triplets being on an island somewhere.  He didn’t fully understand where this island was, what was significant about the triplets, or even if this was really a prophetic type of dream to pay attention to.  But over a course of some months, he figured out the island was near Honduras and the story around it was to be included in the film he was creating.  The journey to get to this island would actually get delayed 3 times due to various situations, thereby postponing the trip several months.  Eventually the crew got to the island and checked into their hotel with expectation about how this would all manifest.  The hotel wasn’t serving meals that day so they needed to eat elsewhere.  They chose a restaurant nearby and after chatting some with their waiter, they found out that there was a worker at the restaurant who was a triplet!  A time was scheduled for all of them to meet the next day.  The triplet brothers arrived to the place, but it was an hour late.  Then there were communication problems so they needed to find a translator to better understand the importance of them all meeting!  It just so happened that a maintenance man was walking through the place at that time to drop off something, and he spoke English well enough to translate.  They realized shortly into the conversation that the meeting wasn’t about the triplets after all.  It was about the translator.  He had been affiliated with a church, but had been hungry for something more for some time.  Their time together of prayer, and conversation helped the translator realize that a deeper more personal relationship with God beyond the church was possible!  They all felt how their meeting was divinely orchestrated through all the setbacks to help not only the translator, but for the production of the film that many would see. Wow!


Like others, I also consider how the tapestry of God’s timing continues to play out in my life.  My journey across the US and working on small organic farms was for almost 16 months.  I was looking for a farm to settle in and unplug from the mainstream.  For the majority of this journey, it included adventure, interesting people to meet and beautiful places to see.  The last 3 months of these travels, however, had become grueling and I was losing hope of anything better happening.   By the time I came to the church in Redding, CA, I was finally ready to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and contemplate what Jesus was about.  Something I’d never even considered before.  The time of weariness I had gotten to, seemed to be necessary for me to finally be ready to surrender the pride and self-reliance I had been conditioned into.  I experienced the Holy Spirit in a way I had never imagined would be possible.  I wrote about this journey in 2 of my previous articles, In Troubled Times and More Healing and Freedom Received.


Accepting and believing in the grace of God’s Timing is beautiful when we can rest into it.  It can be excruciating when we can’t.  One of my prophetic seer friends says she has been seeing a lot happening in the heavenly realms to bring more light into our world.  She also sees areas where obstacles emerge for obstructing the inevitable, unraveling process.  But as we continue to remind ourselves to trust that something greater is at work, it strengthens our faith in the journey.  Contemplate what is being revealed to us about time and our potentiality in Romans 8:18-19.  I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.  Creation is waiting for us to be revealed!  It’s something wonderous and the timing of it is part of the mysterious tapestry unfolding in and around us.



Deanne Kaye has been on the healing path for over 30 years. She has explored traditional and alternative ways for healing and has been helping others since 2015 become free from such emotions as abandonment, shame, guilt, anger, self-loathing, fear, resentments, addictions and anxiety.  She provides experienced guidance, step by step work, meditation practices and a space of trust and presence for releasing unhealthy thoughts, emotions and limiting beliefs. Well-Being Coach, Intuitive Healer and Deprogrammer



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