The True Purpose of Tariffs:


Creating Chokepoints That Advance Class Warfare



The seemingly insane push for tariffs by the Trump administration has led those endowed with soft brains to assume that Trump is just crazy and that he is in danger of losing his “conservative” base through this bid to shut down global trade as part of a short-sighted “make America great again” policy. Such  arguments are encouraged in the corrupt alternative media so as to satisfy its true corporate sponsors who control behind the scenes the current discourse concerning the Trump regime. It is disgusting how many PhDs assume in their writings that tariffs are a product of a stupid Trump and his naive MAGA-hatted followers who do not understand economics, and is not the brainchild of Peter Thiel and a handful of billionaires who understand real economics too well.


No, the tariffs are not part of an effort to reshore manufacturing, granted a few crumbs have been tossed in that direction. No, they do not have anything to do with protecting American jobs or even stopping globalization. They are about advancing a new post-human globalization wherein everything is controlled by the super-rich and the trade part of the globalization ceases to be important. Remember that massive multinational firms have their own ships and ports and would benefit if global trade was shut down for everyone else but them.


The super rich stand to gain an enormous amount by destroying the global economy through tariffs and thus reducing the vast majority of humanity to near starvation.


Starving citizens can be easily corralled into high-tech Gazas and therein controlled by drones and robots. The model for government being advanced in Israel is being introduced into Argentina and the US (China and elsewhere) as part of this massive political and economic transformation.


Tariffs will be a critical weapon in this new approach to class warfare that is being prepared by the gang of three: Peter Thiel, Stephen Miller, and Russel Vought, the three men who actually run the Trump regime (I should say “gang of Four” but Elon Musk is such an idiot that I don’t think he plays a meaningful role).


The key idea behind these tariffs is to establish chokepoints on access to food, fuel, raw materials, and manufactured goods that will bring us to our knees. Elections and the popularity of politicians are the furthest thing from the minds of the people at private intelligence firms who are planning this move. This is the politics of raw and ruthless power that is running this show and demonstrating that the opinions of the vast majority can be ignored is a part of the strategy.


The super rich behind the curtains include Chinese, Russians, Indians and others. Those groups may be planning to wage war against each other at a future date, but at this moment they are all in on this together because their experts have told them that, granted the destruction of the environment taking place, they had better put most of humanity in coffins quickly.


They need to control society in an absolute sense. That is because their supercomputers indicate that organized resistance outside of the controlled and bogus “conservative,” “progressive” and “socialist” camps that they fund is rising. That means that they had better hurry up and destroy government, roll out AI control, and destroy the productive economy before they lose control—as they almost did in France before the Covid 19 operation was launched.


The tariffs are the same as the lockdowns, the bans on travel and shipping, and that social distancing that were employed in the Covid reign of terror to destroy the economy of citizens and to create deep alienation that impeded the organization of an opposition. The goal is the same: consolidation of the means of production, control of money, and the creation of a passive and discouraged population that can be easily manipulated.


These tariffs have as much to do with defending the domestic economy as the Covid lockdowns had to do with public health.


The destruction of global trade through tariffs this time will follow a different pathway than the Covid operation, although it is certainly possible that DARPA is involved this time as well. I suspect that even the billionaires are not entirely clear about what the ultimate result will be. The supercomputers have worked out numerous scenarios for outcomes, but whether the resutls will follow those models is not at all clear. Covid, after all, was supposed to follow all sorts of models worked out on supercomputers, but it is only worked in part and had to be abandoned because certain populations refused to conform in spite of all the scientific evidence that they would be overwhelmed by the propaganda and conform for self-preservation.


Moreover, just as the suspicion of hospitals and pharmaceutical corporations that resulted from the Covid fraud and slaughter woke up citizens to the dangers of medicine, so also the catastrophe resulting from the breakdown of global trade may lead some to understand that free trade has always a rich man’s game that aims to destroy our self-determination.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.


Emanuel Pastreich serves as president of the Asia Institute and director of the Center for Truth Politics at Green Liberty ( Pastreich ran as a candidate for president as an independent in 2020, and briefly in the Green Party in 2023.    






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