


“When a Nation Departs from Fear of Offending God, It has a Signed Contract for The Purpose of Demonstration.”


‘As long as certain twisted souls feel the need to lie, cheat and murder to achieve their ends some of us need to keep pointing it out…….’ – Visible



Dog Poet Transmitting…….

There is this school of thought out there that thinks everyone who is famous (or was famous) is somehow connected to the oxymoronic Intelligence Services. Also, they think everyone is lying. There is some truth to that, simply because often people do not know what they are talking about. I don’t know if they say these things so that you will trust them because they are not famous, but if everyone is a liar, are they not liars too?

I cannot believe that such a percentage of humanity would ALL be covert operatives for The Dark Side. I do not believe this of people I know. I do not believe this of myself. I do not believe that all the musical acts and individuals from the ’60s and ’70s were Mk Ultra and Tavistock Stooges. I knew a number of famous rock personalities. I especially heard the songs, and THERE IS NO DOUBT in my mind that some of the work was inspired by heavenly agency. It lifted up the whole world for a while.

The second time I saw the intelligence services get involved with the music scene was when it switched to Disco, which came out of Gay Culture, and then the Cocaine and Heroin followed after. I was streetside for much of this. I was living in its atmosphere. I saw what happened in the 80s. I have watched The World being shaped to certain ends. For a time there was a lot of beauty in The World for those who found it. The 60s and part of the 70s had angels composing in human minds. Yes… they got eaten up by the material world. Many lost their muses; most lost their muses, but… to believe Evil of everyone, is just another we are all fallen” story. We are not all fallen. Some of us have risen.

The first time I saw it was when they twisted the formula of LSD. I was at Altamont. I played at one of the Woodstock Anniversaries before Richie Havens came on. I was around these people. Yes… a lot of them were hedonists and out for themselves; NOT all of them. Richie was one of the finest lights I met. He was always warm and giving.

Everyone famous, or rich, or fortunate is not a tool of the intelligence services. To say this is to be mad, but not in a good way. Yes… there is a lot of darkness in this world, but there is more light than there was before and it is getting brighter by the day. The Winds of Change have arrived and… well… expect ANYTHING.

I haven’t said enough about this trend of painting all famous people, living and dead, with few exceptions (which would certainly not include the authors of this trend) as pawns or intentionally evil. You did not see this until recent years. Now I see more and more of The Frenzied Anonymous, parroting this BS. Of course, there are cabals of powerful people seeking more power, and who have as little humanity as a crocodile. Of course, they do not mean us well, BUT… they are NOT the power. God is the power. He has just kept out of a visible presence for a while. Now the ground is shifting. Where we might differ on that is what we attribute the cause to.

Whenever you run across someone downgrading the human experience, you can be certain they are not seeing from a higher perspective. If you preach confusion, you will reap confusion. If you preach Doom and Gloom, you will reap Doom and Gloom. If you engage in deception for personal profit, you have been deceived in ways you will come to regret.

The Evil Side of Things, the wrong side of things, the place where things go wrong, is the place that does not see clearly. Sin means to miss the mark. Many people who are caught up in the negative side of things, do not want to be there. They are victims of a mindset. Your mindset determines your living situation. Your state of mind IS your reality. You don’t have to be angry. You don’t have to be sad. You don’t have to be disappointed or jealous, but you are. Why is that? Why do you let resentment and wounded vanity run your life?

One NEVER shines so brightly as when seeking not to shine. One SHOULD know that if they get into the money game, it NEVER ends. I don’t care what good intentions you went into it with. It is going to kick your ass. Some say that Heroin is the worst thing to kick, excruciating I hear. Some say, oh no! Alcohol is worse than that. I’d say money beats them both, hands down. I’ve been around people with money and fame. I’ve known people with many millions of dollars, and I see how their lives went. I never had anything like their money, but I have had a much better life. Now I want for nothing, and also want nothing. It is a fine combination.

Everyone famous is not an Intelligence asset. Some of them don’t even have any intelligence. Then, I guess you could say, they are a dupe, BUT… not everyone. Not everyone is a dupe, or a playa, or a low life. Why would you want to think everyone is like that? I posted a series of names last week or so about certain figures who seem to shade the truth… but EVERYBODY? That just doesn’t make sense. MOST people are okay if you are okay. I’ve met people you would not want to meet under inauspicious circumstances and I got along with them fine.

I was in a particular lockup in this country when I was young. It was one of only two establishments at the time that housed the criminally insane, accused of federal crimes. I was there for around a year and a half. Several of the inmates were serial killers. There were rage junkies, and people trying to beat a serious rap. There were con artists. I got along with just about everyone because I did not get on their bad side. This also means showing no fear. All bets are off if you start radiating fear, and let me tell you… in a place like that with those kinds of people, they smell fear like a jungle predator would. Some of them are almost that feral. Some of them are REALLY crazy in a bad way.

I was in there for two ounces of pot that I didn’t even sell. I was entrapped. I got sent to this max because I would not cooperate in their schemes to destroy me. The place is now Homeland Insecurity Headquarters.

Mostly though, I had God. Not the Jumping Revival God, nothing secular. Explaining God is not possible, but he can be experienced. Yes… there are a lot of frauds out there. This DOES NOT mean everyone is a fraud. We are all a piece of work. Life is the studio in which we are sculpted by unseen hands. You can choose who sculpts you by seeking to emulate them, and THAT… THAT WILL fashion you. Imitate your hero. By all means, you should have a hero, someone you wish to be like. You cannot be The God, but… you can be a conscious part of that God. You can be a living conscious cell in that body of light.

When you weave negative perspectives about life, and sow suspicion, and doubt, and fear, you will reap this. You will. Seeing monsters under the bed, and playing the Boy who Cried Wolf, may pay off in the short term, but it is an ill-advised career move, long term…

I am appearing at other sites besides here at the blogs. At one of them, there is a series of characters who show up and play their one-note song over, and over, and over. It doesn’t matter what the article is about. They are human billboards for a certain form of thinking that will never see the light of day in the wider world. It is a form of graffiti-tagging. Maybe it’s like virtual street gangs, marking their turf in The Virtual World. I do not know why they call it The Virtual World.

Anyway… what a crowd of naysayers we have in these times, to spend all day seeking to sully everyone that comes to your attention. I made it a point to only post under my own name because I stand behind what I say. I guess it is easy to say just about anything when no one knows who you are, including yourself. A fairly large sector of Humanity is going to be in extremis (or what passes for extremis for them) in the not too distant future. We got fat, and we got lazy. We fell in love with comfort and convenience. Our whole civilization is our reaction to pain. We are going to be having our values clarified for us in times to come.

When a nation departs from a fear of offending God, it has signed a contract for The Purpose of Demonstration. What I call God; the ineffable… The Divine… The Almighty… The Supreme Enjoyer, is beyond any possibility of description or definition, but real? Oh! You better believe it! People get all twisted up about it because they have a definition or a description, or because others have a description or definition they object to it. NO ONE KNOWS!

A long time ago, I realized that no one knows and that whatever they were telling me was their version of it. I learned to cherry-pick my versions, and it turned out that the only people I enjoy listening to are realized yogis, spiritual teachers, sages, and mystics. Everyone else leaves me cold. Unless God is the centerpiece, I don’t want to sit at the table. Not everyone is going to agree with this version, which is my version. That is perfectly okay, just move along and you will find what you are looking for… maybe, maybe not. I don’t know.


I do have one recommendation to make, however… Try not to be so heavy on everyone else. If you are a drag on life, only the similar unfortunates will share your blanket… you will be in a camaraderie of crows, a culture of vultures, or a Wicca of weasels. If you catch the Curmudgeon Flu or the Misanthrope Virus, you will be no fun to be around and will only attract others like yourself. Give Humanity a break. They’re working on it, but MORE IMPORTANTLY… It is working on them. Time will tell and we shall see.


End Transmission…….


Down at the bottom, beyond the links, I am going to talk about films. When I see a film that is different, for whatever the reason, I will post it here at the very bottom of the page.


A litany of links=


Via Zero Hedge
Why… it couldn’t be the vaccines!
Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America


Via Politico
Here on the beach in Arizona, we wave goodbye to the great state of Kalifornia!=
5-year-olds soon have to show vaccine cards in San Francisco



Via Gateway Pundit
This was developed and sold by The Usual Suspects
Their behavior is no surprise whatsoever-

Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers from COVID Jab



Via Alex Berensen

And so it begins. The mass reactions are setting in=
Their behavior is no surprise whatsoever-

The hospitals in Australia are being overrun.
Not from Covid. And no one can explain why.


Via Bloomberg Law
Don’t tread on me=
Their behavior is no surprise whatsoever-

High Court Signals It Will Void New York Gun-Carrying Limits


Via What Finger
Uh… yeah… Sir Issac Newton’s little known brother;
Fig Newton=
Their behavior is no surprise whatsoever-

This crow has a masters degree in physics…
Incredible little brains, no?


Via Fox News
And you thought your only worries here would be STDs=
Their behavior is no surprise whatsoever-

Americans at Cancun LGBT+ event in hiding after men with long guns reportedly storm beach



NY Times


I saw a film the other day called “Samsara.” There is no dialogue, just a soundtrack. It has some images I have seen nowhere else. Some of you might like it. Then I saw a mainstream film that just came out, called “The Eyes of Tammy Faye.” It will get nominated by The Acadamy (of Nimrods), but I mention it because it is historical and eerily well represented by the actors. Then I saw an Indie called, “Falling for Figaro.” It’s different in some ways which… by being somewhat PC… still hits its intentions. I AM NOT recommending these as must-sees, only that they stood out against the usual crap from The Usual Suspects.





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