Win Your Life Back!
“If you were very serious and sincere about changing the kind of a human being that you are, you had better learn to be able to take strong descriptions of yourself
so that when someone says to you, when truth, when reality itself says to you, you are lost, you can take it with the same agreement that you took when someone says you’re unhappy.
Now, we better define at least briefly what it means to be lost. Well, you already know, because that’s the way you lived today. Well, you tell me, do you have command of your own mind today or did it run away with you?
Did you have command of your own emotions, were you in charge of them or did they carry you away to where you couldn’t handle the smallest crisis, but had to ask someone, or had to go into a wrong kind of reaction to it?
We’re going to study, as we go along, exactly what keeps us in this actually lost condition. You’re in it – no question about that. And there’s no question about the fact that you can find your way out of it if you can admit that you’re lost in the first place.
You know, a little bit of sincerity will take you a long way.”
Win Your Life Back!!!
New Live Event Coming Soon Too – April 5 and 6 – Forever Free
Controlling the Matrix and Your Super-Powers!
Email for Details… Lorenzo and Cambell.