A Human Dictionary

by Nowick Gray


The rise of resistance to the controlling agenda is heartwarming, inspiring, and unprecedented, to match the scale of the global operation against humanity. We have reached that fork in the road where enough have awakened to the enormity of the crimes, and now solutions are called for—organic as well as legal. As we name the causes of our oppression, whether overt or internalized, we find keys to our liberation. The trick now is to match each key with its corresponding lock: a solution.

A useful map of the human being is provided by the chakra system. Each of the seven centers moving up the spine represents a step in evolution; growing from the root, in the earth, to the crown, in the cosmos. In that life journey, in this dualistic matrix we call reality, we feel emotions characteristic of each level.

Our life stories are remarkable for their tension: between limitation and desire; or opposition and success. Today’s universal life story pits an engineered collective force against individual integrity and self-determination. Former private struggles pale by comparison, yet they coexist and are intensified by those shared tribulations. Consider the emotional choice we have at each chakra, what you might think of as a frequency of feeling, with a quality of tension between a negative and positive charge:

  1. anger < > energy
  2. impatience < > excitement
  3. indignation < > esteem
  4. grief < > empathy
  5. disappointment < > ecstasy
  6. anxiety < > appreciation of beauty
  7. emptiness < > joy, calm

As drummers like to say, “The map is not the territory.” Still, maps can be useful, especially if we have lost our way between polarities and need new bearings.

The chakra system map linked above is an amalgam of many diverse systems using the seven-fold structure of wholeness. It’s a handy way to organize and refer to a set of key words that affirm life and embody positive attributes for healing. Against “full-spectrum dominance” by the global predators, we harvest a rainbow of incantatory charms favored by Creation.

This “human dictionary” is not a dictionary in the normal sense, where each word is provided a definition. Rather you can supply your own meaningful definition for each term; or you can intuitively grasp its meaning. Add it to your preppers’ list as a ring of emotional and spiritual keys to keep on hand along with fire starter, duct tape, rice and bottled water.

Footnote: I will leave the more extensive mapping to master cartographer Ken Wilber, whose Brief History of Everything unpacks his Integral theory of meta-knowledge. Closer to the topic at hand, here’s another helpful glossary for conscious action, from Martin Geddes:

The following are some additional linguistic tools to pack in our survival kits, to help us navigate this matrix of crisis, challenge and opportunity.

Problem keywords

The causes of our condition are many and few, outside and within. Choosing a target is trendy: left-brain, evil, psychopaths, Illuminati, CCP, control freaks, fascists, technocrats, aliens, AI, dualism, materialism, Borg, hive mind, the Bug… Facing our own complicity comes next. And finally, how did things come to be this way?

Solution keywords

The keys, it turns out, are not guaranteed to fit the locks of liberation. Maybe the locks are controlled remotely. Maybe they’re rusted from disuse, or corroded from toxic rain. And this was supposed to be the good part? Have heart, there are ways to slip through chains and watch walls tumble, and empires lose definition and fade into shadows again. Look, for example, for the following daily supplements: right-brain, nature, stillness, empathy, empty, open, intuition, potential, rest, witness, oneness, timeless…

Alternative timeline

Some point to a metaphysical escape from our planetary tension, a second earth or parallel dimension, a religious rapture or a quantum alternative timeline. The keys to this realm—call it Narnia or Oz, Utopia or Shangri-La—I suspect are: resonance, vibration, frequency. New Agers are at home here, aligning with the highest good. Grounding and connecting with the earth. Visualizing and manifesting the reality we desire. Near-death survivor Brian Scott has branded a movement, “the Reality Revolution.” As one practitioner describes the emotional map to get there: “Focusing on the end, living only into that imagined end… It’s every day, all day, things lining up, as long as I stay patient, excited, follow my heart, and keep my focus on what I want as if it’s here and feels normal to me.”

Altered definitions

The English language itself, ever resistant to top-down efforts to control it, is under concerted attack now to weaponize key terms. The so-called antifascist and woke campaign for political correctness, perversely twisting those key words, is a living definition of the word “oxymoron,” too brazen even for the “workers’ paradise” of Soviet Russia or George Orwell’s dystopias where “Slavery is Freedom.” More insidious is the insider meddling by policymaking bodies like the CDC and the WHO, who simply edit cornerstone legal markers—pandemic, vaccine, herd immunity—to suit the ruling agenda, and who pay the imperial dictionaries and lawmakers to follow suit.



To counter the barbarism of State-mandated language, especially its most telling terms, the following memes promote human understanding of hypocrisy, terror, immunity, seasonal flu, experimental drugs, vaccine passport, freedom…





My Cat Phoenix

“We are human only in contact, and conviviality, with what is not human.” —David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous


This word “my” is problematic. It denotes ownership, authority, hierarchy… dominion. We take it for granted, in the Western tradition—though in sustainable tribal culture, the concept was anathema. Or, to give it a ceremonial spin, it was turned on its head to confirm status, via the potlatch, or giveaway… today’s charitable foundation.

Friends of mine in the eighties, intent on ridding language of its colonial taint, banned use of the possessive from family speech. “My cat” would be rephrased as “the cat I live with.” And what about “the cat’s meow”? I guess it would have to be edited, too: “the meow of the cat.” Then again, even the word “of” is suspect, connoting ownership, possession. Are we not all, under natural law, “Born Free”?

Language, it seems, cannot escape the trap of control. In fact, is that not its very purpose? To count and quantify, to track and measure, to define and discriminate? It is, it seems, the very thing that separates us from nature, and the rest of her creatures. Human pride—that cardinal sin—would take that separation further, to install us above the rest: in control. Or some of us, at least. Under “The Great Reset” managed by a few, the rest of us would “own nothing, and be happy.”


Seventh generation from an African Savannah breed, my gray and black tabby sports black stripes and camouflage markings, and vestigial spots on tawny belly fur. Her eyes are both knowing and unknowable, with an almost alien sparkle on deep black pupils. Patient and watchful, she provides an audience to her brash and brawny cousin. A quick soft trot takes her through the rooms of the house, and outside along the row of potted plants that line the fenced catio.

The decision to have her spayed was an easy one; the decision to keep her semi-confined, more problematic. A cat in heat or birthing kittens carries a toll of responsibility. And free to roam means inviting injuries from fights with neighbouring cats and dogs, and posing a target for owls, eagles, hawks, raccoons. So except for occasional forays in backpack or on leash to beach, woods or meadow, she dwells in that human-shared habitat between free range and cage: the free-run, modern zoo; the suburban house.

In summer, the catio was her favorite hangout, romp run, cat-penthouse perch. Now that the chill fall rains have come, she cringes and whines to come back in, to her warm armchair. In capture and confinement, she has my compassion and care. We look into each other’s eyes, and see what we have lost, and what we have found. Wild and free, in Africa; but in Canada, compromised and content. Sharing what we remember, and what we forget.


The Phoenix is a mythical bird rising from the ashes of its former self. Does my modern-day kitty represent the reincarnation of her archetypal namesake? Strictly speaking, she was named after a difficult birth, almost cut short in this lifetime. A survivor, she stands now, like humanity, at a crossroads—between our original freedom, and our current constraints imposed by coercion or choice.

Today I sat listening to a podcast by a psychic who spoke about the birth of a new world from our current tribulations. Not only are nature’s tribes and languages, species and habitats disappearing; the human body and mind are being reengineered at “warp speed.” But the signs are clear, says the psychic; change and restoration are in the air. Listening, hearing, somehow knowing, Phoenix jumped on the table and paced about, circling the tablet, loudly purring and looking into my eyes…

Woo-woo, says the doubting owl to the psychic pussycat. No matter. Something has to give, in our once-wild world that has come to the breaking point. This rebirthing is uncomfortable, a primal impulse struggling to break through ever-tighter leashes and walls. Like birth itself, it is painful and necessary. Dickens, writing of the French Revolution, called it “the best of times and the worst of times.” No doubt both are yet to come, for us. Phoenix and I, cat and human, free and civilized, can feel it in our bones, vibrating.




Further reading: Quarantine Reading List

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at

image credits:

(feature) Freedom/Fascism: Neil Hague

human dictionary: Nowick Gray

geddes: Martin Geddes

Zipolite: Nowick Gray

BBB: Political B

Phoenix cat: Nowick Gray

Phoenix bird: Justin Bertuch, Wikipedia


sasquatch: facebook

Orwell: facebook

duo 1: CJ Hopkins / Philosophers Stone

duo 2: / facebook

duo 3: facebook / Kim Usbourne