Mirificent Inspiration pg.2

Mirificent Inspiration pg.2

Write to Dream@Mirificent.com for more information The inspiration of these works of Love is the transformation of Being. With the understanding that through the greatest challenges comes the most sublime victories, we explore what it means to become free of our fears...

Nocturnal Remissions

Nocturnal Remissions By Fredalupe! As below so above, folks. What we do unto others we will have done unto us. That which we have sown we must by definition reap. What we have cultivated or allowed to be cultivated from or into, what we do becomes who we are....
To Think The Unthinkable

To Think The Unthinkable

To Think The Unthinkable By Fredalupe! Delving deeply into the challenge this paradoxical puzzle presents the thinking mind, the answering of which necessarily leading one’s own attention to a suspension of the very thing with which one attempts to do the answering,...