The Hammer and the Nail

The Hammer and the Nail

The Hammer and the Nail by Robert Cinque   The Hammer and the Nail   The hammer sees only the nail. Everything that is not a nail goes unnoticed.   The ego sees only what it desires. Everything that is not a desire goes unnoticed.   The hammer is...
The Devil’s Convention by Vernon Howard

The Devil’s Convention by Vernon Howard     The Devil’s Convention   by Vernon Howard   “If you want to make a man or woman evil, make them scared and that’s very easy when you’re a cunning devil, threaten them, do all sorts of things. So Satan...
Its time for serious Truth reconciliation.

Its time for serious Truth reconciliation.

It’s time for serious Truth reconciliation   by Michel A. De Visser   Our inherent natural “Will” has always been to act with Loving intent.   We the “Spiritual Beings” of this planet are the stewards of Gaia/ Mother Earth.   The New World Order...