Our Revolting Elites

Our Revolting Elites

Our Revolting Elites     The ‘revolt of the elites’ has reversed the source of social disorder from the masses to the elites.   Prescient social critic Christopher Lasch’s 1996 book, The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of...
Which Flower Essences Do You Need?

Which Flower Essences Do You Need?

Which Flower Essences Do You Need?       by Dr. Brent W. Davis • FlorAlive® Founder   •  Inventor of the UNCUT Flower™ Extraction Process   The development of the FlorAlive® UNCUT Flower™ essences has occurred in a remarkable way that repeatedly...
How Can We Measure Healing Miracles

How Can We Measure Healing Miracles

How Can We Measure Healing Miracles       by Dr. Brent W. Davis   • FlorAlive® Founder   •  Inventor of the UNCUT Flower™ Extraction Process   Since the turn of the millennium I have been in the process of clinically developing a new form of...
What or who are the invaders by Godgevlamste

What or who are the invaders by Godgevlamste

What or who are the invaders     Cult: The English term originated in the early 17th century, borrowed via the French culte, from Latin cultus (worship). The French word, in turn, derived from the Latin adjective cultus (inhabited, cultivated, worshiped),...