How do we do it?

Consider Yourself invited to Participate. Comment on this Blog AND/OR send in your contributions to be posted online for all to see and to continue the conversation.



Not so obviously, we need to do this together, as it seems as we’re all in this together.


Even though we, most often, live alone in our heads (minus the demonic voices of negativity) expressing ourselves is the name of the game. That’s what The Creator did, and here we are, like it or not . Thanks big guy.  Perhaps that’s exactly what the Creator had ‘in mind’ with us however.  That is to say we are here as expressions of Creation to create, ourselves and the world in which we’d love to flourish together.

This is what we have in mind for this space, this blog and the opening of our Agora to whoever is interested in participating in the conversation with the intent to move us all, and hence consciousness itself forward in the direction of a true Human evolution.

We can start here.  We invite you to join in the in this very large area of exploration, to create community by sharing your consciousness, your art, your ideas ideas, as we can all benefit by sharing this with one another.

Consciousness is a funny thing, and the study of such doubly so. How can you even be aware of what you’re not aware of? Today, I know more than I did yesterday, but mostly what I know more of is what I didn’t even know existed. Tricky stuff. So how are we to study and build on something we’ve never even considered as ‘real’?

Taking this idea further, even what I know may not be what you know, or what you are capable of (consciously speaking), and the opposite, of course, is true. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that (hopefully) the majority of our conscious potential exists outside of our thoughts and words, which makes sharing somewhat contradictory in a forum meant to explore consciousness, one could say,  if you follow my laughter.

This is where art, or I should write Art comes in to save our day.  Art, even in words, writing, and all else that can be seen and felt as such, let’s say ‘perceived’ , bridges the known and the unknown. We are Art. This is what creators make.  The Creator too.  And so, perhaps it is our truest language with one another.  Beauty and communication is at its core.  The logic is clear.

Building a Better Consciousness. Yikes, what have we taken on here. Join in the fun. Comment and Suggest.  Send in to share your own stories, successes and failures, ideas, projects, Art of all kinds to be possibly posted online, for the whole world to love.

An enormous topic with enormous potential whose time has come.

Please Share Your Comments Below And….

For questions, suggestions and creations of all kinds….send to…



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