by The New Agora | May 27, 2019 | Conscious Realities
Osteoporosis Is Scurvy Of The Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency This article was written by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, published and obtained from, posted here with permission. Why are older women diagnosed with “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis”...
by The New Agora | May 23, 2019 | Conscious Realities
These Plants Are Oxygen Bombs & They Clean The Air In Your Home By Joe Martino Everyone would love to have a fresh, clean living space to come home to each day, and while part of that is up to us, we can put some house plants to work to keep our air...
by The New Agora | May 22, 2019 | Conscious Realities
Existential Crisis: 9 Ways to Get Through Life’s Darkest Times by Aletheia Luna The hardest thing about going through an existential crisis is that you feel constantly depressed and alienated. Nothing makes sense anymore and everything feels meaningless –...
by The New Agora | May 22, 2019 | Conscious Realities
Attract Butterflies and Bees to Your Garden by Reducing WiFi Radiation Frequencies By B.N. Frank A happy garden is a wireless-free garden. Decades of research has already determined that plants and insects as well as animals and people are harmed by exposure to...
by The New Agora | May 14, 2019 | Conscious Realities
Top Pharma-Brand of Children’s Vitamins Contains Aspartame, GMOs, & Other Hazardous Chemicals Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder The #1 Children’s Vitamin Brand in the US contains ingredients that most parents would never intentionally expose...
by The New Agora | May 12, 2019 | Conscious Realities
Are YOU Conscious Of Losing Consciousness? By Cory Endrulat Everyday we put trust in people to do the “right” thing. People of all kinds, who eventually may put their belief system onto you. Therefore, it may not just be their own belief system,...
by The New Agora | May 10, 2019 | Conscious Realities
The Chakra System and Indigo Awakening by Ethan Writing is the best of times and the worst of times. Writing is tremendously difficult, attempting to write with meaning is as difficult and as dangerous as wielding a sword. “The pen is mightier...
by The New Agora | May 9, 2019 | Conscious Realities
Strengthening the Immune System with Zeolite by K. McDonald The immune system is a large complex organization of organs, which guards the body from sickness by removing toxic substances and destroying infected cells. This system is easily weakened from toxic materials...
by The New Agora | May 7, 2019 | Conscious Realities
Heart Disease Prevention- The Full Guide ‘’they’’ don’t want you to See The Very Complete and Helpful guide that pharmaceutical industry ‘don’t want published’ For Curing and Preventing Heart Disease No health topic is more important, more full of...