by The New Agora | Oct 13, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
Humanity’s Great Fight-Back By Julian Rose It must be occurring to millions of individuals, upon observing the depressing spectacle of top down politics in action, that in the great majority of cases what are termed...
by The New Agora | Sep 28, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
High Treason in UK Suffocates Democratic Governance By Julian Rose The Treacherous Trail to Totalitarian Dictatorship My home country, the United...
by The New Agora | Aug 6, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
Musk’s 5G Spy Satellite Megalomania by Julian Rose Keeping us preoccupied with a phony virus which was supposed to kill millions and landed-up causing no more deaths than the normal winter flu, sure was a useful way of directing...
by The New Agora | Jul 1, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
‘Second Wave?’ Think Micro-Wave By Julian Rose “Between 1949 and 1962 everything we needed to know about microwaves was already known. All interference of the human condition was known by 1952. All birth defects, organs, cells,...
by The New Agora | Jun 14, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
The People Will Rise By Julian Rose “We are done with fake democracy and undisguised top-down exploitation” There is only one solution for the insane mess that goes under the name of ‘democracy’ today, and that is...
by The New Agora | May 17, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
Mask of the Beast and Deadly Distancing By Julian Rose Have you experienced a sense of unease when witnessing a group of individuals wearing masks and/or keeping strictly two meters apart? If so, that’s good news, because it means you’re...
by The New Agora | May 4, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
How To Resist The Subversion Of Humanity with Julian Rose How To Resist The Subversion Of Humanity with Julian Rose The attempt to make the irrational and implausible appear rational and plausible has now reached dizzying new heights. The...
by The New Agora | Apr 18, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
Puppet Dictators Play Covid Card Too Far By Julian Rose The attempt to make the irrational and implausible appear rational and plausible has now reached dizzying new heights. The ceaseless flow of blatantly contradictory proclamations and actions emanating out...
by The New Agora | Mar 29, 2020 | Featured, Julian Rose
Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19 By Julian Rose Global Research, March 27, 2020 The following is from a medical forum. The writer, who is a widely respected professional scientist in the US,...