Taylor Swift’s Land Acknowledgement
By: Johnny Hawke

Silly “Indians” always fooled and mesmerized by Whitemans Tricks. This ain’t Taylors Land Acknowledgement this Statement is from Roger’s Communications Inc where it is likely included in her contract for Roger’s to express its commitment towards Truth and Reconciliation.
This is considered an “exclusive advertisement” in a lucrative “real estate space” without a doubt valued at an estimated few million where Rogers Inc will write this up as a charitable donation and donate some funds to a charity engaged with Indigenous initiatives to get a tax break.
Corporations can claim a deduction for charitable donations of up to 75% of their net income for the year. Tim Hortons does this with it’s Trauma Donut Campaign on “Orange Shirt” Day.
Truth and Reconciliation is Big Business, an Industry where Yes! the system “Gives Back” after ensuring tax breaks to recover any loss. Donations go to the Non-Profit Industrial Complex of Charitable Orgs that are also huge Corporations. Funds then go through a bureaucracy to be finally distributed to smaller community non-profit orgs. Any effective projects of actual Truth and Reconciliation only receive crumbs as funds have to be spread out also the Non-Profit Industrial Complex will only fund Canada’s “Good Little Indian.”
At the end of the day, Corps like Rogers, the Oil and DeForestation Industries although they are funding and sponsoring things like INDSPIRE Awards, Powwows and giving charitable donations are still exploiting our territories, depleting resources and removing us from our Territories.
Reconciliation is not a word that was randomly chosen to reflect this initiative of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2008. “Reconciliation” is the “Sacrament of Penance” of the Roman Catholic Church. Reconciliation means “to come back under god” and penance means “voluntary self punishment”. The Sacrament of Penance is also the monetization of Sin and is the process of modern day Courts. The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the representative of God on Earth. There are many of our People prancing around in Ribbon Shirts and Ribbon Skirts employed under Truth and Reconciliation to help bring others back under God, “the crown” monetizing the sins of the Church. This is what is being accepted when Indians accept the scheme of Truth and Reconciliation.