Miasma of Mind – Oddyssee of Truth Overboard





Mind, Matrix Miasma. What goes on inside of our minds? What is that voice that gets in the way of our desires for life-long happiness? How can we begin to discern the ‘good from the bad’ voices inside all of us? 

Join us on this journey, our new ‘Oddyssey of Truth’ series, ‘Overboard’.  Where we jump out of the comfort of the ship ‘we all travel in’ and see where the unknown can take us.

In this episode we explore the ‘guardian at the gate’. The devil who attempts to deny our Happy Destiny.





Hey….. We appreciate you reaching out to us. There are several ways we feel we may be able to grow together.Open to new suggestions, too, naturally. Perhaps we can arrange an initial zoom meeting? What part of Australia, the world, are you in? Cheers….


More of what we do….https://newagora.ca/

And Lorenzo’s New NOW YT Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/c/TheNewNow

My Website https://newagora.ca/autodidactic-2/

Lorenzo”s Store https://thenewnowlife.bigcartel.com/





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