Revised Look


by Carol Lewis



I’ve been away for a bit.  Away from my writing desk.  Away from walks in nature.  Away from photographing the majestic beauty all about.  2023 came to me pressing. Attempting to squeeze me between two walls of stone. There the light dims.  The air is spare.  Only roughness touches skin.  When the walls close in, if you didn’t know before, you quickly learn to look within.


Look within always to find the source.  There is no need to pray to another outside yourself.  Unless that provides you solace in a sacred dance.


Look within. When you glance back, the wall taunts.  As you look forward the wall mocks.  Crane your neck to look high, rubbing your head against the rock, chin scraped only to see a sliver of light, teasing.  As none of it is right.


Look within.  Embrace yourself with love, trust and innerstanding of the power pulsing in every cell in and beneath your skin.  Fractal source power.


Look within to see the endless creation of you. Your potential.  Your infinite breath of all possible. Break the spell of fear.  Break the spell of non-essential. Break the spell of believing you are just a speck of dust floating on a spinning ball in a spinning universe destined to implode, explode all about you.


Recent years, decades have trained us to never know the truth of our being. We tune in, commune with technology for not only answers, but for our questions.  Headphones, earbuds, wireless connections are always keeping us too distant to socialize with ourselves.  So many voices, as we sleep listening to podcasts and tik tok infiltrated dream states complicate and clog the conduits to self awareness, self-celebration, self-preservation, self-escalation. And yet…


Just a few steps into nature, as an observer, the lesson is everywhere.  Look up and you won’t see any bird or fowl afraid to fly.  By a river bed, a body of living water, you won’t see hesitation in its flow. Even though the bloom of dandelion is called a weed, it still grows where ever it pleases.


Look within to rediscover your physical presence is a vehicle for a boundless soul.


Look within to feel, see, refurbish your own esteemed currency.


Look within to reclaim your true station.  Sovereignty.


Again, I’ve been away for a bit.  Away from my writing desk.  Away from walks in nature.  Away from photographing the majestic beauty all about.  2023 came to me pressing. Attempting to squeeze me between two walls of stone. There the light dims.  The air is spare.  Only roughness touches skin.  But, within the temple beneath my skin and behind the shine of my eyes I embrace my power. So when my back relaxes and the wall touches the tip of my nose, the walls turn to dust and my next step begins.  I hope you join me.  Just look.



Carol Lewis:

As a student I felt the diminishing of my soul.  As a parent, I know the disgust of watching my son suffer.  As a teacher, I tried to change the system from within and found myself covered in slime and muck in the belly of the beast.  I did my best there as my hair turned gray and my muscles atrophied.  I stayed as I saw the hurt of the children, growing much deeper than my own.  Then the lockdowns and zoom became an IV drip in my veins to wake the fudge up. Sacred Child: Living Lessons is my service to the children and families.  I provide an innovative foundation of unschooling, homeschooling and powerful narratives and verse for affirmation, confirmation and fertile growth of soulful presence and purpose. 


”I look forward to working and shining with you.”





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