Science and Trickery

by Lorenzo with Jerneja Tomsic



I’ve heard many times in my life, ‘The numbers don’t lie.’  And maybe that’s true, as numbers are just numbers. They lay, lie, there and actually can’t lie or not, as they cannot directly communicate with us.

Alas, the lies, the trickery, can sneak in through the methods and people involved in both choosing how to count those said numbers and what they can mean to us. Especially, if we allow others to insist on one definition or another.

I’ve also heard if 1000 accountants do your taxes, all ‘facts’ being equal, they can often come up with 1000 different totals, or outcomes.

Furthermore, a simple number, by itself, is neither good nor bad, until we add meaning. The number ‘one’ could be great if examining how many problems you currently need to ‘fix’ in your life, or bad, if counting the money required to purchase something expensive. Even ‘one’, looked at monetarily is small if one dollar but big if one million.

A level of trust from the source, then, must be included in deciding how valid a number and its meaning is for you. In other words, if five means you have a medical procedure, and six means you do not, you’d best be aware of the integrity of those shouting ‘five or six’, if you yourself have no access to the numbering apparatus or methods involved.

When faced with a literal ‘life and death’ choice I would say make sure there is some love, even much love, included in that equation. Or else, well, we get the current world’s challenges. Far too many, running around, far too afraid of the ‘numbers’ being thrown at them, in my opinion.

We, Jerneja and I, hope you find some good value for yourself from our chat today.

Science and Trickery.





About Jerneja Tomsic:

Jerneja was born in Slovenia, a part of former Yugoslavia. She got her Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology (at the University of Camerino) in Italy and in 2002 she received her PhD at the same University studying function of proteins that participate in protein synthesis.

In February 2005 she moved to Department of Microbiology at the Ohio State University as post-doctoral fellow where she worked on a control mechanism of transcription (RNA synthesis) in bacteria.

In May of 2008 she moved to Cancer Center as a Postdoctoral fellow and started working in a human genetics lab studying genetic predisposition to colon cancer and later thyroid cancer.

In January 2017 she started working at a cancer center in Southern California working on genetic predisposition to breast cancer.

During her career she has published several first author peer reviewed papers and collaborated with many scientists and co-authored research papers.

In February 2018 she completed Plant Based Nutrition Certificate at T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and Cornell as she started realizing diseases can be prevented (even cancers).



More what we do:

Interview with Harald Kautz which inspired Jerneja to reach out to us for this interview:

Although Harald was not advertising anything, we managed to nail down the link to the company that does offer some interesting products for those who may be interested.   (English Store)


Photo by: Guillaume Meurice


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