by The New Agora | Oct 23, 2023 | Julian Rose, The New Agora
What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It? War, on anything other than a localised dispute level, is a contrived and preplanned event based on ulterior motive. In the era of...
by The New Agora | Oct 20, 2023 | Bernhard Guenther - Veil of Reality, The New Agora
Divide & Conquer The Occult Game of Stalking By Bernhard Guenther We don’t learn from history [be it the hidden, alternative, actual, or official history] because an intellectual understanding of it is useless if it is not...
by NewNow | Oct 6, 2023 | Open Forum
Image, Memory, and Dementia I rewrite the past in correspondence with who I am becoming Charles Eisenstein Another installment in the series of dialogues with Benjamin Life. I’m finding quicker access to interesting material when I am actually...
by 4Freedom | Oct 4, 2023 | The Hub
INTENTIONAL CREATION OF HOMESTEADS FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE Ever since I began holistic health practice in 1978 I have been aware of the importance of the emotional and unconscious mind relationship to overall wellness. I have refined...
by 4Freedom | Oct 4, 2023 | Elva Thompson, The New Agora Harmonic Attunement In my last post, we talked about the incoming energy of the Shift of Ages, and what it means for our physical and spiritual evolution. The energy is transforming our perception whether we realise...