Being In Flow

Being In Flow

  Being In Flow     Iam Saums   “The only truth is the one we create.”   A New Era   In March 2020, we were given a remarkable opportunity to shift the paradigm of human being, expression and existence.  A manmade virus infected us with...
The Warrior’s Mask

The Warrior’s Mask

  The Warrior’s Mask       The mask is a vital aspect of Toltec mythos; it is also an integral part of shamanism, as a whole.   Don Juan said a warrior can wear any mask they like, however, there comes a time when the mask, must be...
Streaming Universality

Streaming Universality

Streaming Universality     Iam Saums     “Being is streaming the universe.”   The Source   Everything is energy.  All that is made manifest into this reality first exists as an energetic expression.  Before we are born into this world, we...
The Event Horizon

The Event Horizon

  The Event Horizon     Iam Saums     “Our soul expresses the energetic flow of empowerment.”       The Point of No Return   Whether or not we are conscious in this exciting new era, we have crossed the threshold of a...