The Constitution Is Illegitimate

The Constitution Is Illegitimate

The Constitution Is Illegitimate   Therefore All Government   & Its Laws Are Criminal and Immoral   By Gary D. Barnett   “And yet we have what purports, or professes, or is claimed, to be a contract—the Constitution—made eighty years ago, by...
A Son of Leelanau

A Son of Leelanau

A Son of Leelanau   “Mama, Mama many worlds I’ve come since I first left home.” – Hunter/Garcia     Fare Thee Well   A few weeks ago, I heard from my friend Dave, one of our own from our Leelanau Family had passed away.  The first thing I did was...
On The Threshold

On The Threshold

On The Threshold     “Every moment is an opportunity to be an expression of truth.”   All Things Considered   There is an intensity to the subject matter and style of the articles I publish.  For many, it may be read as critical and pessimistic. ...