Of Giants, Dragons and Men by Rogue Male

Of Giants, Dragons and Men by Rogue Male

  roguemale.org Of Giants, Dragons and Men   by ROGUE MALE     Like all children, I was always fascinated by the stories of giants and in 1977, I met one.   I was with my dad in the basement of the Woolworth Store in Huddersfield when one such...
Is Terrain Theory Just A Theory?

Is Terrain Theory Just A Theory?

          Is Terrain Theory Just A Theory?   By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath July 4th, 2022   In the world of healing and duality, The Terrain Theory is contrasted to The Germ Theory. Recently, during a discussion about...
Transcending The Hegelian Dialectic

Transcending The Hegelian Dialectic

www.natureofhealing.org Transcending The Hegelian Dialectic   By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath February, 2022   What do epidemics, plagues, wars, mass shootings, and federal Acts all have in common?    Problem • Reaction • Solution The pattern...
Freedom Exists Under Natural Law

Freedom Exists Under Natural Law

www.natureofhealing.org     Freedom Exists Under Natural Law   By Rosanne Lindsay, ND Losing Freedom What happens when the legislative and justice systems become corrupt and you no longer have control over your body, your property? What happens when...