by NewNow | Jan 12, 2023 | Open Forum
The Illusion is Real by Robert Cinque Everything is real, including illusions. That’s because consciousness is real. We know consciousness is real because it is at the core of every single experience we have. An illusion pretends to be something it is...
by The New Agora | Jan 11, 2023 | Gary Z McGee, The New Agora 5 Signs You May Be a Positive Deviant “To be a philosopher is precisely not to be a person who never deviates from a single doctrine but to have a history of change.” ~Raymond Guess What does it mean to be a positive...
by NewNow | Jan 9, 2023 | Open Forum
The Hammer and the Nail by Robert Cinque The Hammer and the Nail The hammer sees only the nail. Everything that is not a nail goes unnoticed. The ego sees only what it desires. Everything that is not a desire goes unnoticed. The hammer is...
by The New Agora | Dec 30, 2022 | Gary Z McGee, The New Agora How to Become a Blackbelt in Badassery “Living well does not mean avoiding suffering; it means suffering for the right reasons. Because if we are going to be forced to suffer, we might as well learn how to suffer well.”...
by The New Agora | Dec 17, 2022 | Gary Z McGee, The New Agora The Art of Animism: The Frog, The Duck, and The Fox “A person is neither a thing nor a process but an opening through which the Absolute can manifest.” ~Martin Heidegger You are a multifaceted animal. All humans are. You...