by The New Agora | Nov 18, 2022 | Positively Plants, The Hub
Class offerings for Jan-April 2023 by Beth Perera Eating Plant-Based for a Healthier Life … and because plants are plentiful and delicious! Instructor: Beth Perera with PositvelyPlants Knowledgeable in Plant-Based Nutrition, Diet & Lifestyle Intervention...
by The New Agora | Nov 13, 2022 | Positively Plants, The Hub
What is your Centerpiece? Eat as if your life depends on it, because it does. By Beth Perera©, PositivelyPlants We are already half way through November, unbelievably, so it’s time to start planning for holiday get togethers. When we plan...
by The New Agora | Sep 4, 2022 | Positively Plants, The Hub
Take Care of your Heart. Eat as if your life depends on it, because it does. By Beth Perera©, PositivelyPlants Heart disease is epidemic in the Western world. Some of you have the scars of bypass surgery already. You are the lucky...
by The New Agora | Aug 11, 2022 | The New Agora Secrets of Natural Antibiotics & Antivirals BY CHRISTOPHER VASEY N.D. From New Dawn 184 (Jan-Feb 2021) For much of human history, the true cause of infectious diseases remained a mystery. In the absence of...
by The New Agora | Jun 5, 2022 | The New Agora
Compelling Evidence Suggests Plants Feel, Think & Could Even Be Telepathic BY ARJUN WALIA 2022 IN BRIEF The Facts: Multiple interesting experiments conducted with plants show that they probably possess consciousness. This suggests, regardless of biology,...