by The New Agora | Feb 17, 2022 | Gary Z McGee, The New Agora Direct Democracy: Everyone is a Chief By Gary Z McGee “We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regime of their barbarous ancestors.”...
by The New Agora | Nov 2, 2021 | Shifting Realities Capitalism Is Violence: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix AUTHOR: CAITLIN JOHNSTONE listen to a reading of this article: ❖ I always get people telling me, “Capitalism just means free trade.” No it doesn’t, that’s...
by The New Agora | Sep 20, 2021 | Conscious Realities, Shifting Realities Ministry of Manipulation: No Wonder Trust and Credibility Have Been Lost By CHARLES HUGH SMITH Now that every financial game in America has been rigged to benefit the few at the expense of the many,...