by NewNow | Jan 12, 2023 | Open Forum
The Illusion is Real by Robert Cinque Everything is real, including illusions. That’s because consciousness is real. We know consciousness is real because it is at the core of every single experience we have. An illusion pretends to be something it is...
by NewNow | Jan 9, 2023 | Open Forum
The Hammer and the Nail by Robert Cinque The Hammer and the Nail The hammer sees only the nail. Everything that is not a nail goes unnoticed. The ego sees only what it desires. Everything that is not a desire goes unnoticed. The hammer is...
by The New Agora | Jul 27, 2022 | The New Agora
We are the I of God By Robert Cinque July, 2022 I Am the I of God When I say I, who or what is speaking? The only possible answer is infinite consciousness, that which is aware and alive in and as all things. The reason this is the only possible answer...
by The New Agora | Jul 4, 2022 | The New Agora
The Way To Connect With God And Nature And Oneself And Each Other Is To Stop Disconnecting By Robert Cinque The facts are in. Life is Great. And infinite. This means that You are Infinite, now, not just later when you “evolve” and get...
by The New Agora | Jun 29, 2022 | The New Agora
Confessions of a Spiritual Refugee June, 2022 By Robert Cinque Somehow, I managed to survive and actually recover from my Catholic and cultural conditioning and, although my clothes have been ripped off and I live like a naked spiritual refugee, I can...