by 4Freedom | May 19, 2023 | The New Agora Treatment Vs. Healing By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath As medical treatments of prescription, synthetic, pharmaceutical drugs continue to skyrocket in use, in price, and create Opioid epidemics among...
by 4Freedom | May 18, 2023 | The New Agora How to Stop Being a Slave to the Opinions of Other People The following is a transcript of this video. “Most people can never, even for a moment, disentangle themselves from the restraints imposed by...
by The New Agora | May 18, 2023 | Lion's Roar Ministry, The Hub
click on the banner for more info about my service Repurposed People from blind spots to relationships of trust by Susan Boskey As a species we are going through a lot. All I have to do is hear about yet another public...
by 4Freedom | May 17, 2023 | Autodidactic, Lorenzo's New Now, The Hub
De-Bugging the Mind – Bugs in Our System Part 2 with Cambell and Lorenzo Hmmm, perhaps the most important topic for those who have yet to fully ‘delouse’. A ‘fun’ definition of Louse ...
by The New Agora | May 17, 2023 | Elva Thompson, The New Agora Materialistic Spirituality “No matter what the practice or teaching, ego loves to wait in ambush to appropriate spirituality for its own survival and gain.” Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche All about ‘me’ In my last...