The Warrior’s Mask

The Warrior’s Mask

  The Warrior’s Mask       The mask is a vital aspect of Toltec mythos; it is also an integral part of shamanism, as a whole.   Don Juan said a warrior can wear any mask they like, however, there comes a time when the mask, must be...
The All Important Distinction

The All Important Distinction

The All Important Distinction     by robert cinque   Are you the objects of your Awareness or Awareness Itself?   Do any of your self concepts match Who and What you are?   Are you a concept or a Presence?   Are you a body/mind/self in a...
The Science of Morality

The Science of Morality   The Science of Morality     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath     No one speaks of morality anymore. It’s not sexy.   Morality – the extent to which an action is right or wrong. A working definition of...