The Constitution Is Illegitimate

The Constitution Is Illegitimate

The Constitution Is Illegitimate   Therefore All Government   & Its Laws Are Criminal and Immoral   By Gary D. Barnett   “And yet we have what purports, or professes, or is claimed, to be a contract—the Constitution—made eighty years ago, by...
A Son of Leelanau

A Son of Leelanau

A Son of Leelanau   “Mama, Mama many worlds I’ve come since I first left home.” – Hunter/Garcia     Fare Thee Well   A few weeks ago, I heard from my friend Dave, one of our own from our Leelanau Family had passed away.  The first thing I did was...
Divine Flow or Human Control?

Divine Flow or Human Control?

Mark Carter’s – Ascension Intention-From Shadow to Light!     Divine Flow or Human Control?     As more Cosmic Light energizes Planet Earth via solar changes, revealing previously obscured realities, we each have a choice to make. We...